Question How can i make my game use nvidia graphics card instead of integrated graphics

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Aug 1, 2019
Hello I have been having problems with the game For Honor for awhile now. The game keeps using Intel integrated graphics instead of Nvidias graphics card. I have tried to use Nvidias control panel, force the game to use nvidia graphics card through file manager, deleted the options.ini file and tried to force the game to use nvidia through graphics settings. But none of these work. The game still launches with Intel integrated graphics. I can't disable Intel integrated graphics through bios since HP has locked it. Is there anything i can do?
Aug 3, 2019
your laptop display is connected to the integrated graphics. you can verify this by going do the physix tab on nvidia control panel. it says the display is connected to the intel hd graphics. you can not remove, or disable this.
some laptop models like mine use nvidia optimus, which means that the game runs on the nvidia gpu, and uses the intel graphics to display it. the only way to not use the intel hd graphics, is in order to connect a secondary screen.
if for honor is selected to run on nvidia graphics, it should. it just uses the intel hd graphics to display it.
this, however does decrease performance by quite a bit. not that much, but around 40% performance. you will have to live with it.
if the nvidia control panel says it runs on the nvidia graphics in the select program tab (for honor selected) i dont know how it will launch and run on the intel hd graphics. it should not happen.
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