People need to stop hating what they don't understand. Be grateful that you were never molested and/or don't feel sexual desire for children. You are not better than these people. You just don't face the temptations they do.
There's a lot to consider:
- What exactly is child porn? If a woman is capable of having children, she is biologically driven to do so and men are biologically driven to mate with her. Some women are sexually mature at 12, 13, etc. So you cannot call this sick, because it is natural. However it's against societal norms and the law, at least in the USA. Just because something is against societal norms doesn't make it unethical (homosexuality is also against societal norms and historically the law. It's neither unethical or unnatural). I'm not saying I approve of having sex with 12, 13, etc year olds, but I'm only saying it is an ethical delema, and the answer is not obvious.
- Small children touch themselves for pleasure at very young ages (1,2,3) etc. They are obviously sexually immature, but the touching is natural and part of the maturing process. If an adult touches a child in a similar manner as the child touches him/ this ethically wrong? Is the child being harmed? I understand that society is extremely uncomfortable with this, but is it really ethically wrong if no-one is hurt?
- What is child pornography? If a parent thinks their child looks adorable in the nude and captures this porn? What if the photograph depicts the child touching him/herself? Is the child being harmed by the photograph? What if photos are taken by loving parents and get the hands of someone else who finds them sexually arousing?
I think everyone would agree that not all photographs of nude children are child-porn, and not all parents who take these photos are "sick."
We need to stop the hatred and think logically about this. In the end we need laws that protect children from true harm. We need to laws based on true ethics and not the bizarre religious morals we have now.
Lastly, if people who willfully harm children for sexual gratification cannot be cured, then they should be executed. Not because they are evil, horrible, and deserve to die, but because they are suffering from an incurable disease that is harmful to others, and they must be removed from society for the good of society.
Stop hating. Start thinking.