How Child Pornographers Got Themselves Caught

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This article reveals 2 major problems with our society, one being there are alot of sick people who need to be kept away from the general public, and two that best buys and other repair shops need to do there job and that does not include browsing through customers pictures and videos. This sort of brings me back to the time when the geek squad tech was arrested (I believe he was at least) for making a video of a teen girl while she was showering. So I guess best buys you are redeeming yourselves by nosing through personal files. Good job Geek Squad, just wonder how many thousands of your employees have dug thru peoples personal files and looked at perfectly legit photos only to gather your buddies around and talk about this or that about someones girlfriend or wife. Shame on the Pedophiles and Best Buy both for being pervs.
"Comte donated the phone to Goodwill, where one of the foundation's workers took the phone for personal use."

Oh, so that's where the stuff goes that I donate...
"Humanity is the only dumb animal that willingly allows bad members of its community to remain within it and try to 'fix' them. Does anyone think an ape/lion/dolphin/anything that had tried to kill another member of the group would be allowed to stay? Nature kills off or drives away these 'bad apples'...humanity pays for their comfort and allows them to breed. Awesome. "

Your animal comparison is flawed on so many levels. The animals you so wrongly claim would be culled are in fact the leaders of the packs. Chimpanzee males will kill and eat any children not born by them when taking over the group usually by killing the previous murderer and child killer/eater. Lions are the same way, the meanest most bat-shit crazy animals are the most feared and followed. Cheetahs do not kill the perverted able bodied gazelle, they target the young, the old and the sick/wounded. Dolphins will kill porpoises as a matter of sport, the differences between them are minor. The Biggest baddest Bull gets to mate, the meanest toughest pronghorn get the girl. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Nature does not weed out these individuals because they are 100 percent nature approved to breed the following generation, the fittest to survive will in nature, and like it or not most criminals will do anything to survive-as nature made them, nature kills the meek, the sick and the old. I would suggest you read more on the subject or watch some nature documentaries.
Kill them all, take no prisioners take no s**t, this also avoids superpopulated jails
People, people.

Why don't we change the way we let those people use society?
Sent them to do dangerous jobs:
mining(very dangerous) replace animal testing with prisoners (guard: it's different, compare it to Russian roulette if you'd like).

Who's for electroshocks, now really.

We just need some kind of IC/chip that alters their mind ( Gives the brains electroshocks so it acts differently.) , would be very cheap if mass produced.
[citation][nom]chainsaw667[/nom] "Your animal comparison is flawed on so many levels. The animals you so wrongly claim would be culled are in fact the leaders of".....

First off I spend half of my TV viewing watching animal planet and Discover so I may have seen a documentary or two on this material. Did I once mention a hostile takeover by an outside male (like the animal equivalent of war) or a hostile member WITHIN the current community. I understand and agree with Darwinism. I understand violence and killing is required to become the 'head of the pack'. However, this behavior is not tolerated within the community. If the animal is successful then yes, they will be in charge. If not they will be driven off or killed because THE REST UNDERSTAND HE IS A DANGER. You are not arguing what I was speaking about. But I thank you for the useless and irrelevant advice.
[citation][nom]ksampanna[/nom]That's preposterous. The victims never victimse others, since they know what it is like.[/citation]


On the contrary, some feel that since it was done to them, why should they care if it happens to someone else? Its "fair" in their mind. They can have such disdain for what people become that they don't care what THEY become.
[citation][nom]1pp1k10k4m1[/nom]sex offenders almost without exception repeat their offense within a few years of release. The rate of recovery is almost nill.[/citation]Are you speaking of "any" sex offender? Do you have proof? Of course you have no proof, because YOU'RE JUST MAKING THIS STUFF UP! I know at least 3 or 4 people who have been busted for 1.) Mooning someone 2.) Having sex with someone less than 3-years younger but still juvenile 3.) Playing Grabass, etc. ALL of these people are classified as sex offenders, ALL of them are on the sex offender registry, ALL have stayed out of trouble for several years, MOST were convicted of misdemenors but still placed on the sex offender registry and NONE have re-offended. I have a strong feeling that MOST of the people on the registry fall into the misdemenor class, so quit with the BS.
Correction: I should have said "have known" since these misdemenor offenders were people I went to school with and have not spoken to in several years.
[citation][nom]jellico[/nom]Here is the problem I have with the whole child porn thing. This stuff is all over the Internet, from all over the world. Many people who are found with such images on their computer are actually innocent and didn't even know it was there (usually a result of malware infection). However, because it is classified as contraband (meaning it is illegal to have it regardless of knowledge or intent), these people either end up in jail or must spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to prove their innocence. One need only look at the visceral reaction of previous posters to see what sort of reception a jury would give them. I suspect these attitudes would be a lot different if the roles were reverse.Another problem is that, people who download regular porn might still find themselves running afoul of the law. Movies made in other countries where the age of consent is lower would be considered child porn over here, even though the performers may not appear to be under 18. Can you tell the difference between a 16, 17 and 18 year old? I sure as hell can't. I know this one woman who works at the day care my son goes to. I saw her with her 9 year old daughter and I thought the woman was the little girl's older sister! She's like 29 and she looks 14! Likewise, I've seen many sub-18 girls who easily look like they are in their mid 20s.Yet another problem, teens making videos of themselves either nude or having sex with their girl/boy friends. Yes, this is quintessentially stupid, but I don't think it should be a police matter. The whole point of the law is to protect those who cannot protect themselves from exploitation. I think it is asinine, and a perversion of the law to prosecute members of the protected class who, clearly, are stupid but not exploited.The bottom line is this, just like the drug war, we should focus less on the "users" and more on the production end of it. Rather than squandering valuable resources on prosecuting someone for possession who might very well be innocent (no priors and no such indications from friends or family), we should be focusing on the pieces of crap wrapped in human skin who MAKE this material! The people that actually victimize children are the ones who should receive all of the punishments detailed by previous posters.[/citation]

Actually in Australia a few months ago I read some articles were the police, in conjunction with other countries (I recall Germany) busted a whole pedo RING. So what they do is not just go after the end users but crack the supply ring as well (much the sames as drugs enforcement).

What we are reading about here are end users who have shown up with stuff. What they should probably do is put a tracker on his net connection and find out where he gets it from instead of busting him right away.

This is the only way to crack the supply ring.
as a matter of course they will not tolerate this behavior within the group, but the behavior, by your own admission is, if successful perfectly tolerable if not a matter of life. In your original statement you did not state the times when the violence is tolerated, had you had the forethought to actually say "except for certain sexual and political behavior the majority of animals will not tolerate such behavior" as you failed to mention these times as common I thought it a matter of courtesy to shine a light on the times when atrocious behaviors that even most humans would find disturbingly unthinkable are par for the course for the animals you listed and for others. You specifically stated that animals will not tolerate these kinds of actions, I simple pointed out that they do under certain circumstances do unthinkable acts against the young of their own group should the occasion for advancement arise, and when the violence has been a triumphant success the offender is tolerated and even followed.

You may find useless and irrelevant advise less forthcoming if you could actually thoroughly communicate exactly what you mean and not be such a bitch when someone points out the obvious flaws in your logic by pointing the gaping holes in your thought process.
"Humanity is the only dumb animal that willingly allows bad members of its community to remain within it and try to 'fix' them."
"Humanity is the only dumb animal that willingly allows bad members of its community to remain within it, unless they are successful in killing all who can oppose them." Fixed it for you.
Had you typed this I wouldn't have had to waste the time explaining this to you.

What rites are you referring to, Rites of passage, religious rites, or by the context I assume that you meant rights, as in legal rights, civil rights. Spell it with me here, as you may not find the correct spelling on the Mythbusters, it is rights. maybe you should read more, or at least learn what the hell spell check is.
[citation][nom]grieve[/nom]Death row is flawed as well... If convicted, escort them to the firing line to meet a 90 cent bullet.[/citation]
There's a reason we don't do capital punishment like that. You know that, right? I hope you do. Pain and torture ("Cruel and Unusual Punishment") are strictly taboo, even if it is instantaneously before death. It is thought that euthanization could potentially be more painful than a bullet to the head, but the paralyzing properties of the injection make it impossible for the injected to express any feelings of pain. Granted, we had Guantanamo, unbeknownst to the public, etc. etc. but it is still wrong, morally and ethically. There's also a reason police, FBI etc. have to take leave and counseling after shooting someone while on duty, and why it's always an absolute last-resort option that they never want to have to take. Taking a human life can be traumatizing for honest, well-meaning people.

Promoting capital punishment is easy. Performing it is much more difficult for all but the most cold-hearted of people. Finding out one of your "patients" was innocent after the fact and you can become emotionally traumatized for life.

Then there's the cost of the legal red tape. I don't quite understand all the logistics of it myself, but the fact that inmates on death row tend to stay there for so long seems to say something. Then there's this excerpt from the New York Times in September 2009 about California:

"Perhaps the most extreme example is California, whose death row costs taxpayers $114 million a year beyond the cost of imprisoning convicts for life. The state has executed 13 people since 1976 for a total of about $250 million per execution."

If life imprisonment removes un-fixable individuals just as effectively as the death penalty, then why spend so much more on the facilities required for just so few individuals to face "justice"? Even if California is an "extreme" case, the point is that even having a death row costs taxpayers more than simply throwing them in prison for life.

Sick and twisted individuals are sick and twisted for a reason. Killing them off denies us the means to learn from them, how they became the degenerates that they are, and thus how we as a society can help prevent this from happening.
Good. Go to jail, beast.

Am I the only one mildly surprised that when you donate something to this "Goodwill" (a charity?) it ends up as the personal possession of one of the workers there? Isn't that something of a racket?
Heh. In response to the post about a "paedo ring" being busted, this paedo's ring will also be busted if they put him on a wing with other prisoners...
Actually, I saw an interview with prison officials recently where they asked them about that very thing (sex offenders being targeted for extra harsh abuse by other prisoners); they indicated that sexually based offenses are so prevalent now that, except for actual child rapists, sex offenders aren't really singled out anymore. They further indicated that the majority of prisoners (max and super-max prisoner) have a sex offense somewhere on their resume; one need only watch the news or America's most wanted to see just how prevalent it is.
[citation][nom]bilco[/nom]It costs more to kill someone than it does to keep them in prison for life.[/citation]
sure if you leave them on death row for 20 years first...

Seriously just use a 90 cent bullet out back after court has ended... FAR,FAR cheaper then jail.
Yep Yep...

Go to Prison for a few years (5 max) in case anything comes up... ie: The victim lied. And just put a bullet in the brain. But usually, a person who is caught once is different a repeat offender. And sometimes they become child-killers so they can't be reported.

Oh, as someoneone brought up... child prostitution. Forgot about that - seen a documentary on that. Where runaways or kidnapped kids end up being in such positions 🙁
Most people who get caught for child porn are guys who look up porn whom they believe to be 18 yr old girls whom also could be perceived as 17 yrs old... Just as with alcohol, if you look under 25 you get ID'd, well it's kinda the same with porn, only they can't ID the performers... So therefore not all of them are these pedophile creeps that they are made out to be... Remember that...
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