[citation][nom]liquidchild[/nom]OK i have a question about the whole hard drive thing. Anyway every time I build a new one i take the hard drive files from the old one and put them on the new drive I buy. I may have pictures of my girlfriend( now wife) on it from when we were both underage. she was 16 when we got sexually active.[/citation]
Yes, if you are reported or someone of law enforcement finds such photos on your drives (you and your wife, 16 when you were 16 and not shared to anyone) - they'll arrest you, file charges of having child porn, go to prison and will be labeled a sex-offender. UGH. And this kind of crap is happening to 14 year old KIDS! (A nipple or pube/butt shot will count)
Example, A 14yr old girl takes a nude photo with her camera phone. She sends it to her BF. He, being typical - forwards the photo to 8 of his friends. This is found out... ALL of the kids are charged with child-porn and are fighting to not be labeled as SEX-offenders for the rest of their lives! Even Child Advocate groups know and speak against such stupidity. Even if some of the boys DELETED the photo of their cameras, they are STILL busted for getting it! W T F?!
The day a person turns 18, its open season for full hard-core porn.
First, make backup copies of your dads photos and videos. Use 2-3 drives. They can fail... also DVD-R have a very limited life-span.
2nd - If you keep the photos, make sure they are private. But... if someone wants to be a jerk, you just admitted to having such photos. Yep, you just endangered yourself. Or anyone else who may ask such questions. Your in a gray area, depending on who knows what.
3rd - Wipe out any files you don't want anyone looking. When it comes to business data for my clients when we do PC upgrades, I do one of two things. (1) if not much data - run ERASER, level DOD 5 or 7 (Free on Downloads.com ) or (2) take a hammer to the drive and throw it in the trash. Then recycle or resell the computer.
A "bad guy" reformatted & re-installed Windows on a girlfriends drive many years ago. We didn't know how as he said "oops, accident". Turns out he was attempting to hide evidence that would harm him. But I recovered almost ALL of her data with my recovery tools (some of these are now free) and by accident, some of the "bad guy" too. Later, I went through his data and found damming evidence - that goes back years. I took such data to court and the DA.