How Child Pornographers Got Themselves Caught

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[citation][nom]rollerdisco[/nom]I agree with you totally, but in America it cost much more to kill them then it does to jail them for life. besides the other prisoners can usually "fix" this problem for us, and much cheaper.[/citation]
Death row is flawed as well...
If convicted, escort them to the firing line to meet a 90 cent bullet.
[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]what if the offender is a female ??? seriously odd statistic i ran acrossa few monthsa go siad that 46% percent of child molesters are women ... no **** ... i was pretty amazed by this revelation as well that's a pretty damn high percentage .. but seriously if your answer is cut thier balls off .. what about the female child molesters ?????[/citation]
Cut out ovaries and sew em up! or meet a 90 cent bullet in the.

NO TOLLERENCE is the way to fix this crap!

WHY are you people deleting posts that are part of a discussion? I was not offensive, or use poor language and i certainly never threatened or humiliated another forum member in any way.

This is the second day in a row i have seen this. At least this time you removed an entire comment instead of the part you didn't like!

I placed time and effort into the discussion my opinions should be treated the same as everyone else’s!

Seriously, does Toms have a new moderator who is over zealous?! I have not had this happen EVER and i have been a member forever! What is going on?

Do i need to just go to a different site from now on where my opinion is welcome?

Closer to $30,000 per year for prison.

But, innocent people have been executed... 🙁

And the Prisons are run by corporations which pay money into keeping things like POT illegal... Money to be made for victimless crimes.

Prison should have: Murderers, rapist, Drug-dealers, theives... and and of course child rapist, but they should be first in line for execution.

If billie is caught with a bag for himself and a few friends... fine him for public intox and let him be.
OK i have a question about the whole hard drive thing. Ive build computers for a long 15 or 16 I think. Anyway every time I build a new one i take the hard drive files from the old one and put them on the new drive I buy. I may have pictures of my girlfriend( now wife) on it from when we were both underage. she was 16 when we got sexually I going to go to jail if big brother ever searches my drive through my wireless connection? I don't have bad pictures in a "file" but i never wiped my drives so the deleted files would still be on there right? I have pictures and home movies of my Dad from the old hard drives and he died this past wiping the drives now is not a option.

I can "see" the posts that have been deleted and none of them are yours.
I agree totally with jellico on the first page.

I also think there's a huge difference between child porn and underage porn that should be clearly defined. Instead, underage porn is classified as child porn and anyone caught with it may be labeled a pedophile, when in fact they may not have any interest in children at all. A person who is physically developed and naturally capable of sex and reproduction is a far cry from a child who isn't.

This way people who get arrested for underage porn would be in a different class of sex offender that perhaps wouldn't be as life-destroying. It would also help alleviate some of the problems of people who are innocent - unaware of the performer's age in the movie (mentioned by jellico).

I have naked pictures of a 6 months old boy. I wonder if the technicians are going to report me to the polices for that and jail me?
BTW why the technicians are browsing My Pictures are they looking for porn there? 😀

N.B. The pictures I'm talking about are pictures of me taken by my mother. 😀
[citation][nom]joytech22[/nom]WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS EXIST?[/citation]

There are people who have destroyed the lives of millions and still nobody questions why they exist! Lawyers and bankers of 21st century are a good example for such people!
[citation][nom]malekith2k5[/nom]Does anyone think an ape/lion/dolphin/anything that had tried to kill another member of the group would be allowed to stay? Nature kills off or drives away these 'bad apples'...humanity pays for their comfort and allows them to breed. Awesome.[/citation]
Actually, when a lion takes over a pride, it kills all of the previous male's cubs and then forcibly mates with the females to produce his own offspring....
[citation][nom]Zingam[/nom]I have naked pictures of a 6 months old boy. I wonder if the technicians are going to report me to the polices for that and jail me?BTW why the technicians are browsing My Pictures are they looking for porn there? N.B. The pictures I'm talking about are pictures of me taken by my mother.[/citation]

Well Zingam. The typical "naked baby" photo can be an issue with CPS if called upon. Its silly that an obvious baby pic is thought of that way. Of course a photo of a 6-month old being molested would be obvious porn. And yes, there are some SEVERELY sickos who are into babies. I can't and don't want to know what goes through such a persons mind to do such things.

When you give your PC over to a tech, you can generally count on some of your data being seen. only YOU can be sure of your own "service". Reason being, look how WIndows & Mac OS has thumb-nails of the pic & video files... and especially on the desktop. And if a TECH has to recover/backup data - he may see photos during the process as well as to TEST out the systems (installed photo software, does it work). I typically go to DEMO pics (Windows), but even in that folder you can have thumbnails right there in your face.

In some of my clients computers, I'm looking at data that is worth thousands of dollars. But I look at it as data, not the content... its meaningless to me. But if a photo sticks out of a sexual nature, well.. it'll stick out. Sometimes its OKAY (depending on the client) and others I tell the owner what his employees are doing. ie: Boss has adult material, then who cares :)

Doesn't matter who took the photos. 13~16yr old girls go to court as pedophiles because they took a nude photo of themselves with a camera phone! Even an 18yr old girl is in trouble for sending out photos when she was 17. Thats screwed up.

Its like... THEY ARE KIDS, they don't know what they are doing is dangerous. They should get warnings about how it can spread (and they do) to anyone. There is a difference if a 15yr girl takes nude photo by being immature vs. a 30yr old perv taking her nude photo.

Look it up.
[citation][nom]liquidchild[/nom]OK i have a question about the whole hard drive thing. Anyway every time I build a new one i take the hard drive files from the old one and put them on the new drive I buy. I may have pictures of my girlfriend( now wife) on it from when we were both underage. she was 16 when we got sexually active.[/citation]

Yes, if you are reported or someone of law enforcement finds such photos on your drives (you and your wife, 16 when you were 16 and not shared to anyone) - they'll arrest you, file charges of having child porn, go to prison and will be labeled a sex-offender. UGH. And this kind of crap is happening to 14 year old KIDS! (A nipple or pube/butt shot will count)

Example, A 14yr old girl takes a nude photo with her camera phone. She sends it to her BF. He, being typical - forwards the photo to 8 of his friends. This is found out... ALL of the kids are charged with child-porn and are fighting to not be labeled as SEX-offenders for the rest of their lives! Even Child Advocate groups know and speak against such stupidity. Even if some of the boys DELETED the photo of their cameras, they are STILL busted for getting it! W T F?!

The day a person turns 18, its open season for full hard-core porn.

First, make backup copies of your dads photos and videos. Use 2-3 drives. They can fail... also DVD-R have a very limited life-span.

2nd - If you keep the photos, make sure they are private. But... if someone wants to be a jerk, you just admitted to having such photos. Yep, you just endangered yourself. Or anyone else who may ask such questions. Your in a gray area, depending on who knows what.

3rd - Wipe out any files you don't want anyone looking. When it comes to business data for my clients when we do PC upgrades, I do one of two things. (1) if not much data - run ERASER, level DOD 5 or 7 (Free on ) or (2) take a hammer to the drive and throw it in the trash. Then recycle or resell the computer.

A "bad guy" reformatted & re-installed Windows on a girlfriends drive many years ago. We didn't know how as he said "oops, accident". Turns out he was attempting to hide evidence that would harm him. But I recovered almost ALL of her data with my recovery tools (some of these are now free) and by accident, some of the "bad guy" too. Later, I went through his data and found damming evidence - that goes back years. I took such data to court and the DA.
[citation][nom]beayn[/nom]I also think there's a huge difference between child porn and underage porn that should be clearly defined. Instead, underage porn is classified as child porn and anyone caught with it may be labeled a pedophile, when in fact they may not have any interest in children at all~~ [/citation]

To a big degree, you are right - IMHO. It still wrong for an adult to a have sex with a 13yr old, but this is America. In some places like the middle east, its common for a 12yr old girl to be married off to a 40-something guy. Or how about Brook Shields? She did a full nudity photo spread during the "pretty baby" movie era (1978), I think you can still buy the book from the photographer. She was 13 at the time and obviously NOT an adult. Also some laws state artistic vs porn vs time when photos were taken. Anyways...

A guy who has a collection of naked 14yr old girls "is a problem" maybe not as bad as an 8yr old girl. Different states have different laws, so a person may get more years with a younger collection. Keep in mind, many of the guys make their stuff and share it with others.

My issue is the locking up and ruining the lives of kids who do stupid things because THEY ARE KIDS. I hope the laws can be more defined to help prevent wasting the courts time and messing up peoples lives who are innocent. If a 50yr old man has a thousands of files of naked/sex 15yr old girls - he can go to jail. If another 50yr old man has photos of himself naked and sexual when he was 15 and his dead wife when she was 15 for exmaple (and he's not distributing) - then it should be private and leave him alone. Thats hell of a difference.
I said MAY belardo lol.....but ya I just spent the last 4 hours getting all my family stuff on my sons, and wifes computer... and am about to wipe my system...on an unrelated note one of the files saved on my new HD was a net zero shortcut,back when it was free lolol. Its like a trip down memory lane.
When I do upgrades... Like you, I copy the data to a newly installed OS HD. Keeps things clean. I keep the OLD HD as a "backup" since a NEW HD can die anytime. After I finished a legal battle, I backed up all my evidence and court records onto three HDs and two are off site with trusted friends.

I've seen people upset when they lose ALL their data and no backup... oh well.

What is NetZero? Oh yeah :)

PS: because of this subject, I looked up the brooke shields movie. She was 13 and did full nudity on that movie. Before that, she had done PRO nude photos around the age of 10. I'm not sure WHY her parents would do that and such photos are still available for purchase. So somewhat - a photo of a nude under-aged person is okay - but its a gray area that people shouldn't play with. (I'm not talking about a cute baby-in tub photo).

So... which is the problem photo(s)?
A) Brooke Shields (age 11) in a 1910 era photo, naked and just sitting or standing there in a pose. or...

B) A fully clothed 11-year old with a hand her in pants (obvious of action) hers or someone elses?

One is obviously SEXUAL, both could be masturbation material to a perv.

There is artistic Nudity, some very good stuff out there. I remember seeing a nude child and mother photo that was amazing. It had NOTHING sexual about it and from a pro photographer that is known internationally.

Overall, obvious pedos should be caught and jailed. Grey areas should be looked at by obvious intent or problems. ie: 14yr takes nude photo of herself is NOT a pedophile!
I repair computers & used to browse browse pics out of curiosity years ago but I saw some things that made me never want to browse pics again. I just don't even look any more. I'm to the point that I give people a discount if I can just wipe their drive clean vs going through finding viruses.
What people seem to fail to realize and this article does not touch down upon is that these people that are caught are individuals abusing kids or people who just look at the porn (for now at-least) Which of course should be illegal and they no doubt should be charged.

However when it comes to child pornography the real tip of the iceberg lies within organized crime that actually makes a large amount of it and make money off of it. In some cases the children are literally slaves. These groups rarely get caught as they aren't as foolish as those like in the article above.
Even worse is the fact that even in the rare case of a child pornography ring is caught another one instantly springs up to take its place.

We need to put more effort in finding the larger players and shutting them down for good.
[citation][nom]grieve[/nom]keep them out of jail i dont want to pay for it! Sex offenders are unfixable.two other, more reasonable options include:1) chop balls off.2) capital punishmentEach of these solutions solve the problem... just have to catch them to impliment.[/citation]
It costs more to kill someone than it does to keep them in prison for life.
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