How Child Pornographers Got Themselves Caught

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How is it possible to be so stupid. "I think ill just take some pictures of me doing illegal stuff and then give them to charity" yeah, thats good thinking.
if a pedophile is dumb enough to give his computer to a third party with porn on it he's too stupid to spend his time on a site like this where you actually have to read
[citation][nom]pbrigido[/nom]I used to work at Best Buy in the Geek Squad and had a similar event happen. Guy brings in computer, tech works on computer. Tech finds child porn, guy gets arrested. I wonder how many times this happens but goes unreported.[/citation]

I wouldn't admit that you worked for I'm-Not-Really-A-Geek-But-Am-Paid-To-Say-I-Am-A-Geek Squad if I were you.
Here is the problem I have with the whole child porn thing. This stuff is all over the Internet, from all over the world. Many people who are found with such images on their computer are actually innocent and didn't even know it was there (usually a result of malware infection). However, because it is classified as contraband (meaning it is illegal to have it regardless of knowledge or intent), these people either end up in jail or must spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to prove their innocence. One need only look at the visceral reaction of previous posters to see what sort of reception a jury would give them. I suspect these attitudes would be a lot different if the roles were reverse.

Another problem is that, people who download regular porn might still find themselves running afoul of the law. Movies made in other countries where the age of consent is lower would be considered child porn over here, even though the performers may not appear to be under 18. Can you tell the difference between a 16, 17 and 18 year old? I sure as hell can't. I know this one woman who works at the day care my son goes to. I saw her with her 9 year old daughter and I thought the woman was the little girl's older sister! She's like 29 and she looks 14! Likewise, I've seen many sub-18 girls who easily look like they are in their mid 20s.

Yet another problem, teens making videos of themselves either nude or having sex with their girl/boy friends. Yes, this is quintessentially stupid, but I don't think it should be a police matter. The whole point of the law is to protect those who cannot protect themselves from exploitation. I think it is asinine, and a perversion of the law to prosecute members of the protected class who, clearly, are stupid but not exploited.

The bottom line is this, just like the drug war, we should focus less on the "users" and more on the production end of it. Rather than squandering valuable resources on prosecuting someone for possession who might very well be innocent (no priors and no such indications from friends or family), we should be focusing on the pieces of crap wrapped in human skin who MAKE this material! The people that actually victimize children are the ones who should receive all of the punishments detailed by previous posters.
[citation][nom]cmcghee358[/nom]The problem with these disgusting people is they are so messed up in the head they see their disease as something simple like a feet fetish. They have no concept that it harms everyone thats associated with it, including themselves.This is on par with the common problem of internet porn addiction. There is a supply of the disgusting material and forums/groups of people that also view it, giving the offenders a sense of belonging and acceptance with their twisted, disgusting behavior. They can't separate how regular porn is ok, but their "fetish" isn't. The worse part is, a good portion of the children that are molested grow up to do some sort of molestation themselves...[/citation]

How can you "have no concept" that molesting a 3 year old??? That statement is ridiculous. And who said regular pornography was ok?? Do even the most cursory study into violent crimes or serial killers, almost without exception they were addicted to pornography. In many cases, like that of Ted Bundy, he testifies how much damage porn did to him, and how allowed his fantasy life to explore areas that shouldn't have been and how it eventually became his reality while he was raping and killing 13 year old girls. What's ok about that? Actually, I believe his death row interview is still on youtube.

Tom's, this may or may not be the best stuff to article to put up; it seems pretty non-descript. All the same, in future, please realize that perverts browse sites like this and take ideas from some of it to be sure. I appreciate that it wasn't too detailed in methods to avoid getting caught, but please be responsible with what goes up on Tom's. No admonishment, just a cautionary statement for future.
I work at a pawnshop, and a customer didn't pay his bill on time. Said customers lap top came out for sale, we went to clear all the personal information on it and discovered child porn. We contacted our local PD and they got the FBI involved. Haven't seen that customer since 🙂 Good riddance.
[citation][nom]Marco925[/nom]I didn't realise that killing people was much more humane.[/citation]

It is. Especially since sex offenders almost without exception repeat their offense within a few years of release. The rate of recovery is almost nill. Two Psychiatrists friends I have lunch and hang out with, when broaching this subject; say the recovery rate is almost 0%, near nill. They say there are isolated cases, but they say they've only ever heard of it when "religion" intervenes.
[citation][nom]Marco925[/nom]I didn't realise that killing people was much more humane.[/citation]

It isn't. However, murderers, molesters and rapists aren't people -- they are worse than animals. Therefore, they have no rites and we as a society should feel free to cull them as we see fit. Humanity is the only dumb animal that willingly allows bad members of its community to remain within it and try to 'fix' them. Does anyone think an ape/lion/dolphin/anything that had tried to kill another member of the group would be allowed to stay? Nature kills off or drives away these 'bad apples'...humanity pays for their comfort and allows them to breed. Awesome.
[citation][nom]Marco925[/nom]I didn't realise that killing people was much more humane.[/citation]
I never said it was humane, just required.

Jail = $20,000 a year per inmate. (Modest figure)
9mm bullets = about $60 per 1000 inmates.

I prefer my tax money spent on education, healthcare and infrastructure. I understand these people ARE "troubled", however they are unfixable... why prolong the inevitable. Should they survive their short stay in jail they will re-offend upon release, they are counting the days...
[citation][nom]cy-kill[/nom]I wouldn't admit that you worked for I'm-Not-Really-A-Geek-But-Am-Paid-To-Say-I-Am-A-Geek Squad if I were you.[/citation]

I worked at the Geek Squad when there were actual geeks employed there.

Coming out of college, it was either be a Geek and make money, or don't work and get myself into debt. I hope others would choose a similar path, regardless of their place of employment.
[citation][nom]Marco925[/nom]I didn't realise that killing people was much more humane.[/citation]
actually it is:

1)in prison they knock your teeth out "so you dont bite when they put something in your mouth" 2) Sex offenders are subject to continuos buttrape and beatings 3) Child pornographers have it worse than everyone else.

Its torture for the 40+ years thell live in prison. It is more humane to kill them. Plus we have to feed them, the more of them are caged the more our nuts are squeazed at the bank...
These people are just sick, these abominations should be hung or burned at the stake not thrown in jail i agree with many others, these people are unfixable and should just be killed

if they can read then they can take hints from it of what NOT to do.
We want to catch them not help them avoid capture.
Everyone who says 'remove this article' should try watching Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator." They broadcast how they catch pedophiles on national television and they still catch these sickos all the the time - even the same people multiple times. Seriously.... Toms Hardware is not giving away any secrets of the art by posting this.
[citation][nom]malekith2k5[/nom]It isn't. However, murderers, molesters and rapists aren't people -- they are worse than animals. Therefore, they have no rites and we as a society should feel free to cull them as we see fit. Humanity is the only dumb animal that willingly allows bad members of its community to remain within it and try to 'fix' them. Does anyone think an ape/lion/dolphin/anything that had tried to kill another member of the group would be allowed to stay? Nature kills off or drives away these 'bad apples'...humanity pays for their comfort and allows them to breed. Awesome.[/citation]

I disagree. People ARE people. Just because their behaviors and sexual desires don't meet societal standards does not make them not people. Child rape is prevalent around the world. On the contrary, it is a minority human thing to do or humans would not do it. However, it is not a "normal" thing to do. In ancient cultures PARENTS would SHOW their children what sex was.

Many perspectives are also environmental. Not only can our past experiences affect our behaviors, but bacteria/viruses and parasites can change who we are as well.

Research toxoplasmosis, rabies, "behavior altering diseases". Many diseases can affect how we think and act and what we feel...and many are virtually undetectable without procedural testing.

We should look for solutions to people's issues, this is a mental health problem like so many things. You can't just label people as "different" and then kill them for it because they don't live according to the rules you desire them to. There is usually an underlying cause to "unnatural" behavior. Homosexuals and mentally retarded people were at one time seen with the same disdain.

A true humanist would seek to change these perverts through therapy, and an ego-maniacal tyrant would kill those who believe differently.

What if vegetarians took your stance and believed you were a murderer for eating meat? Many feel that if you support the killing of innocent cows by eating them that you should be put to death yourself. Personally, I think they have mental issues as well, but society is fine with their belief as long as they don't act upon it.

By law, an ACT is NOT required for prosecution though. Intent to harm/distribute/etc is usually hard to prove but can be enough to convict. However, without established proof of these things one cannot be indicted. So what then of the person who views child porn but doesn't go anywhere near children or who has no interest in selling the porn? Is that as bad of a crime as the one who took the photo? What if they report what they find but choose to still keep a copy of the photo?

Don't rate me down, I'm just trying to argue opposing viewpoints and cause readers to ask moral questions. Consider that perverts sometimes have their own children that they would never consider taking pictures of. Consider that they might be outstanding citizens in every other regard. I ask you to consider too that they realize they have a problem but have nowhere to go to get help. Addiction is addiction. You may as well desire to burn coffee drinkers, people who have to have music on 24-7, and smokers at the stake along with porn addicts.
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