How do I connect my new LG TV to my old Technics stereo? The TV has optical digital audio out and the stereo has RCA input.

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Jan 1, 2015
I want to connect my new TV to my old stereo, but I don't know what cables or adapter I need to have. I don't understand the terminology, all I know is that my stereo doesn't have an optical socket, so am assuming I need some sort of adapter? I have (I believe) RCA with black and white ends cable. I gather I will need to buy optical cable as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

I dont think its as simple as just adding a speaker - cant find any specs on the speakers that normally come with the system (its that old I can only find schematics/service manuals but no simple details)
The processing is done onboard so its not a standard speaker out,you cant link to the left/right outputs as itll giuve you mono across all 3 speakers at best ( or possible short out)

oddly enough I think this is the same system my mate had nearly 20 years & got rid of just the other month (like you he went to richer sounds & ended up with an arcam amp for nearly 300 quid)

In all honesty this is what you ought to be looking at ,its 250 quid but it will be job done plain & simple-no more money to pay out ever & no more messing around.
Arc hdmi which means quite simply 1 hdmi cable between reciever & tv carries audio both ways,no other cables
needed,with the amp off audio will come from your tv,switch the amp on & it automatically takes over the audio
plenty of inputs for your sonos & record deck & pretty much anyting else you could ever want to plug in.


130 quid on this reciever & add your own speakers as/when you want

either option will save a lot of messing around
thats a lot of kit for your money on both those options,
Thanks again for your response. I am going to take your advice. R Sounds said they would take the DAC back so that would knock some cost off the price of a receiver.

So I will go down the rout of buying a half decent AV receiver. Was there a link for the £130 option. If I am going to do it like this then for now I will use my old speakers they are 6 oHMS and I will upgrade them again in a few months when I have a bit more cash..

If I do it this way then I really want to get it right so I would be very grateful for a recommendation on a good AV receiver that will last me for many years hopefully and do everything I want it to do as above. It would also be really good to know what are the main features I am looking for just in case I cannot find the one you recommend or I want to spend a little more. Lets say my budget is from £130 - 250. Maybe there are a few out there.

It is hard talking to someone in a shop as usually they are pressed for time and secondly they have a sales agenda. Your advice has been incredibly helpful and it has been priceless to get impartial and quality advice.

Thanks Mat. Very grateful. Cheers,

I am so glad I found this recent thread. I had bought the Emerson 50" tv that was on sale at Wal-Mart for Black Friday and didn't realize it didn't have an audio out. I wanted to connect it to an older Aiwa stereo. Originally, I had the rca cables going to the cable box but it still didn't operate everything. After seeing this thread, I pulled out the rca cable splitter that had the 3.5 mm headphone jack and that did the job.
MADMATT, if I give you the name of my tv and stereo, could you please tell me the cord I would need so that the sound from the tv can come out of my stereo speakers??



Hi Matt, I took the day off to hook up a surround sound system, the old res and white wire to our newer LG model 55LM4600-UC tv. I only see an out put for optical output, there is no headphone uotput to it either. Will I have to go buy another surround sound system or is there a way to adapt the 2 systems? Thanks Dale


one of these may work mate

your tv has no analog audio out at all so its either one of these or upgrade your surround system to somethin with an optical input unfortunately.

be aware youll only get stereo audio with one of these at best so unkless your surround system does pro-logic its only going to come out of 2 speakers.


Hi aida68
I have a similar issue and have tried a digital optical to analogue audio converter which also did not work. On further research, the audio output of my TV is not DAC (uncompressed) as required by this converter but dolby/DTS (compressed). I have now ordered the correct converter and am much more hopeful. Therefore, my advice is to look at your manual to find out what type of digital output signal the TV produces and then buying the appropriate converter. If you are happy with your WIFI, and it is possible to use, why go to the expense of a home cinema system??!!
Matt - Id like to listen to my tv through myu stereo
there are two spare jack plugs that say video - If i connect those using RCA leads - to the audio rca ports on the back of the TV - then switch the amp to the video setting shouldnt the sound from the TV play through the stereo speakers - (I have some pretty awesome castle harlechs - plus the surround sound speakers ) - however it doesnt seem to want to work - my guess is that the jack plugs on the tv are for sound in not out - have you any idea how i can solve this?
There is also a headphone jack on the front of the stereo - but id rather not have to plug it into the front using a larger stereo jack plug and a cable splitter as i think it'll look pretty naff = also if the tv rca jack plugs are sound in not out it won't work anyway?
The back of the stereo amp hzs got the video rca slots as the only empty ones anyway - all the rest are used up with dvd/phono/casette.(its a tuner amp so theres no tuner rca slots anyway)
Id just like to hear the tv through the stereo speakers and im sure there must be a way to do it
Thanks fella





I have a new 49" Phillips ultra 4k tv I'm trying to hook up to an older denon reciver what kind of cables would I need to make it work
This is an old question but others might need help as I did. I bought a new LG smart TV that had only an optical out and I wanted to connect a sound bar as well as my stereo receiver. After much research he solution was to buy a Motong New Design Optical Audio Splitter Adapter ($7.99 at Amazon) and an Advantec DAC Digital to Analog Converter ($34.99 at Amazon). The Motong has a short optical cable and plugs in to the optical out on the TV. It divides the signal into two optical outs. I ran one by cable directly to the optical input on my sound bar and the other to the Advantec device. This is powered by 110 with the included USB power cable to the electrical supply. With the optical in from the Motong, there is an RCA two plug out to my receiver and a plug for my headphones. The Advantec come with its own optical cable which I used to connect to the splitter. It has an On/Off and Volume knob. You may have to crank up your receiver a bit in volume but it works well.
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