How do I open my blocked Hotmail account?

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Jan 23, 2012
I have not been able to open my hotmail to read my mail, when I tried to, I got a mess telling me it was blocked for security reason of sort.I tried several ways and every time I went to put my ID in,... my ID from another account that whichI had with yahoo yrs ago was already printed in the box, when I would go to delete it, it would not delete. I was never able to put in my ID I signed up with , with hotmail. I had to go as far as signing in with a whole new other account ID! What is going on?? Please somebody help me, what can I do?.
Might be that a spammer got hold of your credentials and was using your account as a spam source. And that's why it was blocked.

Just contact the hotmail people and ask them if they can unblock your account. If they won't, then just start over with your new account.

I have the same problem but I can't seem to find a way to contact them. My back up email address hasn't been used for years and I just want to be asked some security questions and get back in
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