So after a deep scan and backup software job, all the files from the USB are on the PC, but the images are damaged and weird.
The thumbnails from these .JPGs look fine, but when opening with Windows Photo Viewer (Windows 7) it looks corrupted or cut. Viewing them with IrfanView doesnt seem to work so far, its thumnails AND actual images look both bad, as opposed to WPV Its the reverse problem that most people seem to comment on , where its the thumbnail looking like crap.
The thumbnails from these .JPGs look fine, but when opening with Windows Photo Viewer (Windows 7) it looks corrupted or cut. Viewing them with IrfanView doesnt seem to work so far, its thumnails AND actual images look both bad, as opposed to WPV Its the reverse problem that most people seem to comment on , where its the thumbnail looking like crap.