Now, you must be paying attention to things around you. Facebook may be your favorite book. Netflix might be your staple diet. But how about staying updated on new releases? How about getting updates on your favorite channels on your Roku device. Just like you have Newsfeed on Facebook, you also have My Feed services on your Roku Device. We will give you simple steps to stay updated by adding My Feed services to your Roku device.
Step 1
Go to ‘Search’
Go to ‘Search’ and search for your favorite show or movie.
Step 2
Select the Movie or Show
After searching, you will have a list of options in front of you, and that is where you need to click on the desired movie or show you searched for following.
Step 3
Click ‘Follow on Roku’
When you navigate into the movie you selected, you will have several options in front of you. Click ‘Follow on Roku’.
Step 4
Browse 'Upcoming Movies'
Go to my Feed and select ‘Movies Coming Soon’. In here you can follow updates on upcoming movies.
Step 5
Press ‘Follow this movie
click the ‘OK’ button on your Roku remote.
Step 6
Click on ‘Follow this Movie’. Now you are following the updates of the movie.
In the main menu of Roku, the My Feed option shows you a number which indicates the number of updates or info pop-ups you have. This is how you can elevate your experience of Roku by adding My Feed services to your Roku device.