How to Change Clock Settings on Your Roku Device

The clock on the Roku home menu is quite useful. It shows time in accordance to the time zone you initially set your device up for. However, some clock settings can be changed, such as the Time Zone and the clock format displayed on your home screen. Follow these simple steps to learn how.

1.) Open 'Settings'
Scroll down to the 'Settings' option in your Home menu, and select it. The Settings and preferences menu will be displayed on-screen.

2.) Select 'System'
Scroll down to the 'System' option in the 'Settings' menu using the trackpad on your Roku remote. Select it. The System settings menu will appear.

3.) Select 'Time'
You will find the 'Time' tag underneath the 'About' option. Select it using your remote. You will then be taken to the Time settings and preferences. You can change the 'Time zone' or the 'Clock format' options here.

4.) Set 'Time Zone'
Hit the 'Time zone' option in the Time menu using your remote. You can choose to set the Timezone automatically by selecting the 'Set Automatically' button. Your Roku system will synchronize the time zone using your internet connection.
You can also choose the Set manually button, in which case you will have to manually choose and enter the Time Zone.

5.) Set 'Clock Format'
Select the 'Clock Format' option in the Time menu. You have the option of choosing the 24 hour or the 12 hour format. You can even turn the option 'Off'. Exit the menu after making your choice, and your settings will be saved.

You can change the available time settings using the above steps.