How to check what tweaks game booster did?

Tama Handika

Jul 2, 2013
Hello all,

First i now its better to ask in iobit's forum, so i registered there but they dont allow me to make a new thread...stupid LOL

So i think this is the best forum beside iobit's 😀

I tried gamebooster on my laptop yesterday, but it makes my games even lagger than before. So i UNDO ALL TWEAKS the gamebooster made, and uninstall it.

However, i feel that my laptop performance is not as good as before, so i assume those TWEAKS that changed my settings still left in my laptop.

My question is: How to check those settings?

This user has a similiar problem with me, he also uses win 8 64bit :

Thanks 😀

feel free to ask anything else. If you start a new forum post just PM me to join in. I hope you can discern some of your issues using that software. If you continue to have problems just ask.