How to Connect Bluetooth headset to a Samsung LED TV and mute TV Speakers ?

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Jan 16, 2015
I have a set of Bluetooth headphones and need to connect them to our Samsung 40inch LED smart TV because the speakers are beginning to malfunction. But there is no audio out ie: 3.5mm jack. Is it possible to get a Bluetooth USB dongle that I can plug into the tv that can pair up with the headphones?

Regards Paul.

that's good to know that the tv volume doesn't affect the headphones, however, how do you control the volume of the BT headphones? via the telme2 device?

Hi Paul,
my wife has the same hearing problem. Have you rectified the problem between the headphone and your samsung smart tv. If so are you able to advise me.
Many thanks
Brian Willis
[email removed]
I have a Samsung UA32ES6200 TV connected to a Telme2 bluetooth transmitter via the TosLink (S/PDIF) cable. I also have a Telme2 BT headset. It works well most of the time, but I often have trouble pairing the transmitter and the headset, apparently due to interference from the embedded bluetooth on the TV.
If you can avoid that problem, it would be a good solution for your needs. I can watch TV in bed without disturbing my wife sleeping beside me.
Hello- you stated that "If your TV has optical audio output then you can use this (telme device). My question is, what if your TV's optical audio output is connected to a soundbar's optical audio input. Any ideas on that one? Thanks very much!
You need to check whether your TV has inbuilt bluetooth feature then proceed further. If yes then turn the feature on and map your bluetooth headphone. Else you need to get a bluetooth connector for your TV to proceed further. Once you map your bluetooth headset using inbuilt bluetooth or connector, just turn tv speakers off and increase the volume of your headphone.
The best solution (tried & tested and it works great) is using the Silent "Disco" Audio system from ZEROdB Global. I connected the RF transmitter to the cable box (not the TV) and turned the transmitter to channel 1 (has 3 channels). I then turned on one of the wireless headphones that came with it (I have 2 Headphones) and put it on channel 1. I am now listening to the TV. I can control my volume from the headphone. The TV volume is totally separate. You can mute it, turn it up or down and does not affect the volume on the headphone. The advantage of this system, it has a long range of up to 1300 ft, unlike Bluetooth that has a range of 100-300 ft. I can go to the kitchen, go upstairs, downstairs, even outside and can still hear the tv. The transmission can go through walls and floors. You can connect as many Headphones and turn to channel one and hear the TV. If I add another transmitter, I can connect it to a stereo system or iPhone and turn it to channel 2. Then I can toggle between channels from the headphones with the flick of a switch and listen to the tv on channel 1 and the stereo on channel 2.

The other advantage, the wireless headphones come with a Bluetooth adapter, so I can connect it with other Bluetooth enabled devices and not limited to using them only for the tv. Also the Headphone come with a charging cable with a USB connector and dies not require a base station. BTW, regular Bluetooth headphones will not work with the transmitter.
HI Paul, I am in the same boat as you. First off, NOT all Samsung Smart TV have built-in Bluetooth Adapters (according to the Samsung tech). Secondly, I just bought a 32 inch Samsung Smart TV, NO minijack, but has a Toshlink Optical Output. I purchased a TaoTronics Bluetooth Transmitter, and a Radioshack Digital/Analog Adapter to get sound to my Bluetooth headset

Surprise! I did NOT get any sound from my Samsung. My LG Smart TV, however, provided sound with the forementioned setup. Contacted Samsung tech support, they could not help me. I ended up, returning the Samsung.


- Why did the Optical Output on the LG work and not on the Samsung (same setup)?
- I am now looking to buy a LG 32 inch Smart TV, but having trouble finding one. Any suggestions?



P.S.: I did a Chat session with the Samsung Tech guy, and was not very impressed with his tech know-how.
Hi - I have a 46" Smart Led Samsung. I followed these steps:
1. Select Setting (button below red button on remote)
2. Select Sound
3. Select Speakers
4. Select option 'Bluetooth Audio'
5. Ensure your headset is On (Imade sure mine was also in Pairing Mode)
6. When your device is found your will be asked to 'Pair it'
Hey Presto! no TV sound but sound through Headset.
Hope this works for you
Cheers - Tmanic
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