This tutorial will provide you a solution if you have some kind of problem with your controllers. You may have to fix the broken triggers. If you have some of this problem follow this steps and you will solve your problems with the controllers.
Step 1. If your triggers have completely lost their springiness
■ Around the trigger, wrap an elastic band. This is very simple solution that will not affect the tracking.
Step 2. If the triggers are returning 99% of the way back
■ Do the room setup again.
■ You should make sure that the trigger will go far forward as it naturally wants to.
■ This will recalibrate the trigger pull
■ Return your controller to HTC.
■ Before doing the return get the serial number > connect the controller to PC with USB > Start ■ SteamVR > Go to Device- and you will see the serial number.
■ Before trying to get replacement for your controller try this solutions.