How to fix your right arrow key when it stops working?

Mar 19, 2018
I have a Lenovo ThinkPad and when I got home I realized that my right arrow key completely stopped working. It will not function anything at all. I did not spill anything on the computer but, somehow the key is not working. I have tried to look up on the web for some type of fix to this and i found absolutely nothing. I even tried restarting the computer 6 times, and it still will not work.
how to access the BIOS.
The BIOS or Basic Input/Output System is a small operating system that the computer relies on to power on, this OS tests the RAM and other basic functions and then loads the Main OS. inside the BIOS you can changes settings that can effect the system either positively or negatively - make no changes just test the key. booting into this OS, the BIOS will offer you a way to test the actual hardware (the right arrow key) the arrow keys are used to navigate the BIOS. if the key does not work here the key does not work.

youtube is your friend here. IDK the model number you have so this is the first thinkpad keyboard replacement video I stumbled upon. search your...


if you plug in a full sized USB keyboard does the key work?
can you boot into the BIOS and see of the key works there?

if the key does not work in the BIOS the key itself is dead and the keyboard will need to be replaced. it is not terribly difficult to replace a laptop keyboard but you need to make sure you get the right one.
Mar 19, 2018

I don't own a USB keyboard.
What is BIOS. If you know how to fix this key problem, please show step-by-step directions to fix it.


how to access the BIOS.
The BIOS or Basic Input/Output System is a small operating system that the computer relies on to power on, this OS tests the RAM and other basic functions and then loads the Main OS. inside the BIOS you can changes settings that can effect the system either positively or negatively - make no changes just test the key. booting into this OS, the BIOS will offer you a way to test the actual hardware (the right arrow key) the arrow keys are used to navigate the BIOS. if the key does not work here the key does not work.

youtube is your friend here. IDK the model number you have so this is the first thinkpad keyboard replacement video I stumbled upon. search your model for more detailed instructions if you need to replace the keyboard.
Mar 19, 2018

Thanks! It is working perfectly now. Thanks again for the YouTube video!