How to get rid of static in recordings?


Apr 3, 2015
My mic will work perfectly in game chats, in every server, so no problems there. But when i try to record game-
or anything in general, i get terrible static, almost to the point that you cant even hear me. Iv'e tried everything i can think off, turning down the boost an mic, plugging the usb to a different power source(with my usb mic, i have two, one is a usb the other isn't but i still have the same problem) unplugging the power source, hell, even setting my laptop on top of a pillow!!!!
nothing seems to work !!!!
Try updating your drivers. If that doesn't work, maybe try reinstalling them. Sometimes using software to apply a noise gate to your output from the mic will help with low volume static, but if it is overwhelmingly loud when you're recording a game but fine in every other situation, it sounds like a software problem. Have you tried recording your games with a different program? I personally use OBS to record and stream live to twitch. It is pretty user friendly and has low system requirements to operate effectively. Additionally, I know that some motherboards do not have powerful enough built in sound processors to record at a good quality. I would look up your motherboard and read up on it's capabilities of recording. If it's a desktop...
Try updating your drivers. If that doesn't work, maybe try reinstalling them. Sometimes using software to apply a noise gate to your output from the mic will help with low volume static, but if it is overwhelmingly loud when you're recording a game but fine in every other situation, it sounds like a software problem. Have you tried recording your games with a different program? I personally use OBS to record and stream live to twitch. It is pretty user friendly and has low system requirements to operate effectively. Additionally, I know that some motherboards do not have powerful enough built in sound processors to record at a good quality. I would look up your motherboard and read up on it's capabilities of recording. If it's a desktop you might even invest in a new soundcard for your system to record and playback at a good quality.