How to make my laptop Faster & should i Upgrade to Windows 10 ?


Dec 31, 2017
I’m using Hp Envy m6-1125dx notebook comes with:

HP ENVY m6-1125dx Notebook PC
CPU: Intel Core i5 3230M @ 2.60GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 3.10GHz
Memory: 8GB DDR3 SDRAM (2 DIMM) 1600MHz
Graphics: Intel HD graphics 4000 with up to 1664MB total graphics memory
Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit
Storage: 698GB (SATA)
**** i upgrade my HDD to SSD


**** How can I make my laptop faster?

1. Should i upgrade it to Windoes 10?
( Though seen on youtube that win 8 startup faster then win 10 but win 10 is more secure then
win 8. Don't know about other stuff ! Can you explane me ? )

2. How can i tweak & tune my laptop?

I'm a graphics designer & started some web development projects.
so what types of tweaks i can do?
please give me a suggestion thanks.
Install a clean Windows setup, install that solid state drive. Nothing much you can do with the system. More RAM may help but not by much.

Faster in what way? for games or productivity?

In general, Windows 10 performs faster than Win8, but only in benchmarks would it be noticeable.


That is the main problem with using a laptop. The only way to upgrade lower end laptops is to buy a new laptop with more performance. Most laptops do NOT support overclocking, or hardware(other than memory or HDDs)upgrades.


I don't think that any tweaks are possible (you already have an SSD). Upgrading to Win10 would help, but most anything else would be like trying to make your car faster by painting it red(everyone knows that red cars are faster), and just as effective.