How to split FIOS TV so it duplicates display


May 19, 2015
I recently had Verizon Fios installed in my house. I have 3 HD boxes in the house-1 in my basement, 1 in my living room, and 1 in my bedroom.

What I am trying to accomplish:
In the basement, I have the box connected to my big screen. I also have a 40 inch I would like to install in the other corner of the room with the sole purpose of duplicating the display for football games.

Is splitting the basement feed so that I can watch the same thing on both tvs possible? If so, is there a specific splitter I need to make it happen? I basically need to know how to make this work.

I will re-iterate: I understand that the smaller TV will only display what is on the big TV. That is my intention.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for the reply americanaudiophile. So if I am understanding you correctly, the only equipment I would need is the splitter (which is the link you sent me)? Wouldn't I also need another HDMI cable to connect to the smaller TV?