How to turn on bluetooth on laptop gateway nv53

From what I can tell, some NV53's have bluetooth, while some do not. To see if yours has it, go to device manager and see if a bluetooth device is listed. If so, ensure that it is enabled. If it isn't there, you'll probably have to buy a bluetooth dongle.


Apr 9, 2014
FYI, I have had an NV53 MS2285 without Bluetooth working perfectly for a couple of years. I bought and installed a BT dongle a couple of weeks ago. After a few days, the computer got the "black screen/power light on/CD opening/no BIOS booting/fan running on and off/Sound, backup, "P" red lights can turn on/no HD activity" problem. I read extensively about it, tried the power disconnect solution, changed power switch assembly: still dead. Looks like the mother board is fried or something like that. A replacement MB for NV53 runs about $150. Thus, my point is, maybe adding a dongle BT will kill your NV53.


Dec 16, 2014

I had the same problem with a friends nv53 and it turns out that the connectors between the motherboard and the gpu have terrible solder. Try reflowing your solder by leaving your computer on in a cloth bag, or wrap it in cloth for atleast half an hour.



Apr 9, 2014
Thank you yoouumadbro. Actually, that's what I did. I mean, not the silly solution with the cloth bag. Instead I had the GPU reballed by someone on ebay located in Florida. I FedExed the motherboard, and it came back within two weeks, I put it back in the laptop and everything worked like a charm, including bluetooth [which was the original question on this thread]. Now I have a nice cooler pad to make sure that the GPU does not create a problem again, and I even changed the HDD with an SSD. NV53 is now fast, and perfect for playing minecraft ....
One more thing about BT on the NV53: my model did not come with the BT included, thus I now have a small BT dongle. BT works fine, but I don't know how to connect the quick switch BT button below the screen to the BT dongle ... if anyone know how to do that, that would be very helpful.


Aug 31, 2016

hello i turned on the bluetooth logo and it cannot find my bluetooth on the laptop