How to use OTG function to operate rotary fan.

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Feb 26, 2016
I have a mini S4. How do I access the OTG function? I purchased a rotary fan on EBAY that plugs into USB or Android phones. Plugged into works. Doesn't come on plugged into phone. Do I need an app? A driver? Help a dummy out. Thanks

Check your phone connection menu. There are few kinds of connections (Settings -> Connections -> More connection options). Try it with MTP – Media Device :)

I tried USB tethering, blue tooth tethering, and turned on mobile hotspot. None of them see the fan plugged in. I checked out the APNs, network mode, and network operators. I'm not sure what to enter for the APNs. I did change a couple of settings and restarted my phone. The fan is still not showing up. I would think it would show up somewhere. Everything else I plug in my phone shows up. I have sent an email to the company that markets the fan as an android compatible device and asked for more detailed instructions. I'll let you know what they say. Thanks for the help.
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