how to watch streaming movies on website that uses flashplayer on tab3 10.1 with android 4.2.2


Oct 14, 2013
I just bought this tablet in bestbuy. I know nothing about rooting so I would like to make it simple. I would like to run software based on flash, at least that is what they said to me. I would like to watch movie channels on which streams live tv . All I have is black screen on each channel. When I used my PC I have no problems, it runs smooth.
My dream is to conne t my tablet to my hdtv and watch these tv channels in 1080p. I have just ordered micro usb to hdmi adapter. I hope that by the time it arrives you guys will help me.
I tried xbmc but it also has some problems because either it doesn't work or work but in frames, horrible.
I spent last 24hrs to find different versions of flashplayer, usually versions 10.3 and 11.1, but nothing seems to work or maybe I do something wrong.
Can anyone help me?
Good luck with that.
First I don't see an external usb video cable for a tab3 so I hope you didn't order a usb graphics adapter and expect it to work on an android OS.
Second Weebtv uses a modified flash (as far as I know of) and requires you to install the android xbmc app. The link is available on Weebs website.

I can't find it. Where can I download it?