Question How to wipe out/hardreset samsung with smahed screen?


Nov 14, 2021
Samsung j5.
I want to wipe everything before giving it for spares.
I see i can delete photos via usb cable, but that is not enough, i want to hard reset everything.
Combination of volume up, power and home keys do not work, since after pressing those, you have to select something from drop down menu. And i can not see the screen.
Take out the hard drive. Just that simple. There will be NOTHING left. But, you will be saving all your files, and can recover them on your next computer.
Put it in a paper bag, unless you have a ESD bag, (NOT PLASTIC BAGGIE, PAPER) and don't touch the contacts where the drive plugs in.
You won't lose ANY data unless you have been doing funky things to the computer.
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Take out the hard drive. Just that simple. There will be NOTHING left. But, you will be saving all your files, and can recover them on your next computer.
Put it in a paper bag, unless you have a ESD bag, (NOT PLASTIC BAGGIE, PAPER) and don't touch the contacts where the drive plugs in.
You won't lose ANY data unless you have been doing funky things to the computer.
As this seems to be a phone, not a computer....things may be saved on the internal memory, and not on the SD card.
Which would indeed kill any data, but negates the option of "giving it for spares".
Yes, I was thinking of that when I gave that answer. But it's a PHONE.
What of any real value is there to save?
My hatred of "SMART" cell phones is showing here, and I'm OK with that.
I'll stick to my flip phone, it has this "app" where you can talk to people
when I can't get to my home phone.
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