HP Compaq 6715s - Green flashing light when charger plugged in


Jan 25, 2015
I am setting up multiple HP Compaq 6715s at the same time. One of the laptops I tried a charger and it worked fine and the light went orange to say it was charging. I then tried multiple chargers and they were fine apart from one. This charger causes the orange charging light to instead blink green quickly. Is there any reason for the identical charger to do this to a laptop? And is it still charging? (I currently cannot get into windows to check it is charging)

Thanks in advance!!
So one charger does not work, others do. The charger that does not work is bad, replace it. If you want to check if it's charging, keep it plugged in, and then check if the battery is good. Once you can get into Windows to see how well it runs.
So one charger does not work, others do. The charger that does not work is bad, replace it. If you want to check if it's charging, keep it plugged in, and then check if the battery is good. Once you can get into Windows to see how well it runs.

Hi thanks for the reply!

I looked online and even in the manual and it mentioned if it had an amber flashing light it was faulty. But with green flashing I thought it might be something else as searching didn't bring anything up. I think I'll just send back the charger so thank you for your help!