hp dv4150


Jan 24, 2008
Can i upgrade the cpu? It has a 1.6 m 479 chip, The thing takes 5 min to turn on even after a fresh xp install.

I upgraded the ram to 2gb matching kingston no luck

the hard drive was the next step as its only 4200 rpm would a 5400 make that much of a difference?

Please let me know or should i just toss it out the window?
i just did the jumper mod so insted of a 1.6 400fsb i have 2.16 ghz and 533 fsb all checked with prime and running good but still this thing takes 5 min to boot.

so i guess i might buy the 80 dollar hd to see if that will help

Any other ideas?

I sell computers for a living and my dells that are p4 1.6 would blow this thing away i dont understand? ANd they only have 512mb of ram...
You could so a S.M.A.R.T. check on the drive. I bet the drive has met it's max spare sectors or something similar. SpeeFan has a SMART reporting tool, in case you need one.
i put the new drive in and loaded xp in 20 min and reboot is only about 25 sec now so i think that was the problem thanks for the help...