HP DV9000 w/ Nvidia Go 7600 drivers?


Aug 26, 2007
So, I just picked up this laptop for super cheap. I threw in a drive with windows 10 and unfortunately it seems that Nvidia no longer supports this video card (Go 7600). Anyone know which OSs have drivers for this video card? I own a vista disk as well as windows 7. I originally was going to install Mint Linux.

Thanks for the help.

Way throw back, and yeah your talking be best used as a Linux box. Any older editions (like the broken Vista) aren't worth all the headaches. Honesly if you wanted a laptop, go to Walmart, $200 with W10, under warranty (can guarantee that hardware won't last long because the hardware makers but lifespans on them and then POOF they just die for use for so long) and no monkeying with things.
Way throw back, and yeah your talking be best used as a Linux box. Any older editions (like the broken Vista) aren't worth all the headaches. Honesly if you wanted a laptop, go to Walmart, $200 with W10, under warranty (can guarantee that hardware won't last long because the hardware makers but lifespans on them and then POOF they just die for use for so long) and no monkeying with things.