HTC vive or Oculus Rift


Mar 30, 2017
So for my 18th birthday i get to choose what i want. (i usually get books and stuff so this is a first). I get to choose between the oculus rift and the vive, now i love fallout 4 and open world games, and i use steam alot. I have a 1050 ti but will buy a 980. I dont care about the look or weight, just love open world games and stuff. Which one?
gtx 1050 ti (soon 980)
500gb ssd
650 watt psu
I would say it depends on if you want roomscale or not, if you want roomscale go Vive if not Rift..

Now why get an 980?? I would get an 1070 since its newer and better..

1: Vive has more screendoor effect but more vibrant Rift has less screendoor affect but less vibrant (Vibrancy is not an huge difference).
2: Rift usually give 8x8 foot play area with 3 sensors the Vive is about 10x10-15x15 feet I am pretty sure
3: Rift runs on lower end PCs because ASW Vive does not
4: Rift needs USB connectors for sensors and headset Vive only needs it for headset
5: Vives sensors are powered from the Outlet not USB
6: Support is pretty bad both sides this is really a I hope I get good support when you need them
7: Vive is known to have Controller...
For gaming it will take less hassle. All of the steam VR games will work out of the box on Vive. With the rift you may have to tinker. HTC Vive has also released their new headset with better resolution. It is compatible with current hardware, so if you moved into the standard Vive now, you could upgrade to the new headset later. Right now we dont know anything about an Oculus 2 gen part.
SteamVR games work out of the box on a Rift too. The new headset, Vive Pro, costs $1100. It's not worth it unless you have money to burn. And it doesn't make the original Vive any better.

Since you have a GTX 1050 Ti, you're better off getting an Oculus Rift, since it has ASW to lower hardware requirements. Games will run worse on the Vive.

PS: Fallout 4 VR is pretty bad. Skyrim VR is actually better.
Lucas can you provide a link to legitimate review that explains your statement?

OP, either direction I’m concerned about the cpu. Very borderline but you can give it a go.

If you have a large area to walk around in and the $100 doesn’t matter then Vive.

If you have a smaller space then Rift.

After having my Rift for almost a year, I haven’t found a single instance where I wanted to walk around a large area, for what that’s worth.

VR is more of a cool thing you do now and then, not a new primary gaming system. Best part is watching your friends/neighbors faces when they try it :)
Better headset: Rift (Includes audio)
Better Aesthetics: Rift
Better deal: Rift (includes Total Recall!)
Better tracking: Vive

Since the release of the Oculus Touch controllers and the standard extra tracker, the Oculus is superiour to the Vive in my opinion.
If you go for Vive you're going to miss out on Lone Echo and Total Recall while you will be able to play most SteamVR games on Oculus.

He has a gaming PC so that is probably why he didn't include PSVR as an option.
PSVR is cool and a much cheaper option if you already have a PS4 to use it on but both Rift and Vive are superior in performance and you can do so much more with them versus PSVR.

Was a joke like. Isn't there a vive 2 due out soon though? Should knock the cost of the original down a bit.
Glad I didn't get too snarky then :)
They already have the Vive Pro which ups the resolution a bit and can be used with existing hardware (trackers, controllers, etc). But it has the same resolution as the Samsung Odyssey which is a $499 headset with 2 controllers. Samsung uses onboard cameras for tracking so is not going to be as great at tracking but the difference in resolution is noticeable.
It will be a while before the Vive Pro starts taking Vive sales as it is still very expensive.
I think the next major step in VR is going to come from Acer with StarVR or Pimax with their 8K headsets (really just 2 4K screens). We need a headset with 200 FOV or more to be truly immersive.

Still too new for me, would be great for movies but just not worth the investment yet.
I have to agree. Even movies are not that great yet, they look better on the Samsung by still not the same as watching on large monitor or movie screen. It is really cool the first few times you use one and it is fun to play around with. But at the end of the day, it is a lot of money for a toy. I don't think it is going anywhere so in the next few years we are going to see better systems coming out.
I would say it depends on if you want roomscale or not, if you want roomscale go Vive if not Rift..

Now why get an 980?? I would get an 1070 since its newer and better..

1: Vive has more screendoor effect but more vibrant Rift has less screendoor affect but less vibrant (Vibrancy is not an huge difference).
2: Rift usually give 8x8 foot play area with 3 sensors the Vive is about 10x10-15x15 feet I am pretty sure
3: Rift runs on lower end PCs because ASW Vive does not
4: Rift needs USB connectors for sensors and headset Vive only needs it for headset
5: Vives sensors are powered from the Outlet not USB
6: Support is pretty bad both sides this is really a I hope I get good support when you need them
7: Vive is known to have Controller Trackpads breaking and doing an fix will void warranty so support is recommended if you can get good support
8: Rift breaks far less than the Vive
9: Rift is lighter and comes with headphones Vive is heavier more front heavy less comfortable and has earpieces not built in headphones like the Rift
10: Vive out of the box is roomscale capable the Rift you are recommended to get an 3rd sensor for 59-60 dollars

I prob missed a lot more but this is the basics..
You're getting a powerful virtual reality headset for a price cheaper than the Vive. That's a big plus, unless of course Rift's more stringent processor and video output requirements add more to your bill than the savings are worth.

Well not only that but you will have to buy another sensor for 60 dollars and then buy extenders to extend if you have a big room and on top of that if you do anything above a 8x8 foot space you need a HMD extender X2. You also most likely will want an seperate USB device with multiple controllers to have the sensors and HMD have more than enough bandwidth to then not cut out or have any bugs within it.
So having a Rift for over a year now, I haven’t found any need for a 3rd sensor. Played dungeon crawlers, Lone Echo, Solus Project, Project Cars, Edge of Nowhere, several free experiences/demos. It just hasn’t been an issue.

I would agree a usb extension, an hdmi extension, and a pci usb card are a good idea (but I was almost at mobo capacity before the rift.

Edit: What games fully utilize a larger play area? Would like to check them out to see if it’s worth the extra sensor hassle.
>> "Edit: What games fully utilize a larger play area? Would like to check them out to see if it’s worth the extra sensor hassle."

(HTC Vive Owner) -- From my experience, all games that support roomscale support the larger play area.
In the fact that the room scale is not restricted in the software, except walking outside the bounds of the game.

It's most helpful when stuff is just in our just out of "arms reach", and you can just walk over to pick it up.

Also.. I can't wait till the day of wireless VR and expanded roomscale with Lighthouse 2's. The day I can Max Payne across the room without fear of diving head first into a wall. Sure, I'll break my arm and likely cause a concussion when I land.. but it's worth it to get that win in Rec Room Battle Royale!
Thanks Tri23! Everyone approaches it differently I guess. I naturally walk to withing arms length of the thing I need to interact with, just like real life. So I’ve never moved semi-near something then physically walked the rest of the way.

My two-sensor area is big enough to dodge/duck/take cover.

Good luck with you Max... pain!