I clicked on preview email on some payment that I don't think I made.


Jan 2, 2017
So as the title say I clicked on preview payment on some stupid game. Well once I clicked on it, it brought me to another website which the whole page turned red and chrome told me not to go further. I am just wondering if that will give me a virus or something. I sorta panicked when I saw the $99 price tag, so I checked it out.
obviously you'll need to keep a VERY close eye on whatever payment method you use for the account to be sure nothing unauthorized shows up.

but it sounds like chrome stopped you from going anywhere that would have caused mass trouble. if your AV software did not pick anything up and chrome stopped a bad page from loading then it looks like everything did what it was supposed to. good news all the precautions work :)

but do keep an eye on payment method to be sure something did not get charged you did not buy. and rerun that AV scan again just to be sure.

I just clicked on preview payment to see what the heck did I buy that cost $99 on some mobile game. I am only using windows defender btw.
Don't ever click on those. They are fishing for your details and will take you to a fake copy of the site you try to log into and will steal your login credentials.
If you see that again don't click it, delete it and check your account by going direct to the website on another source, like your phone.

I didn't read everything that chrome wrote. I just saw the page turn red and sorta panicked and shut chrome off.
chrome has page screening built in. what you saw was likely the page filter kicking in and instead of loading the bad page, it instead stopped itself and gave you a warning sign you could not miss. i don't use chrome myself but i have seen this on other browsers and i know chrome also has the filter built in.

as noted, run an AV scan. i use panda free version as it's lite on resources and catches most things. then nab something like malwarebytes and scan with that. it neither detects anything, then you're good to go. it looks like all the safety stuff stopped anything from happening but the scans are a safe action just to be sure.

Downloaded malwarebytes the free trial and scanned and I quarantined 9 files and just deleted all of those files. Doing a full scan window defender atm.