I contacted Sprint and got the unlock code for my phones. I didn't realize it was that easy

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I just spent an hour on the phone with Sprint begging them to unlock my 2014 iPhone 6S and they said I'd have to call back in 72 hours (and likely be on hold for an hour) to see if they could do it then, but no promises. When I lost my mind they asked what they could do to keep my business?!?!? Sprint is a scam.
iPhones work on any network.
I have 3 iPhone 5 phones that were on sprint and now on AT&T and trac phone networks. It's just a runaround to get them unlocked.

I saw this post and tried it myself. SO FUCKING TRUE!!!

I moved out of the country and cancelled my contract with Sprint in 2014. Whenever I'm home in the US, I want to use my iPhone 6 on a prepaid SIM card but every time I called, Sprint kept telling me that "they've put in a request to unlock" my phone and I should hear back within 72 hours. I even got so frustrated that I went to T-Mobile and Apple stores to help me talk to Sprint.

Two "case IDs" and 10 phone calls later, I had enough and LOST MY MIND ON THE PHONE. I informed them that I was recording our conversation, discussed the FCC Unlocking Law (https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/cell-phone-unlocking-faqs), threatened to have a conference call with Apple customer support and my lawyer and they FINALLY unlocked it 45 minutes into my 10th phone call as of January 2017.

Although they confirmed that they have unlocked the phone from their end, they will STILL tell you that they "cannot guarantee" that it will work on another carrier. When they tell you this BS, tell them that you will have Apple support and your lawyer on a conference call with them so they can explain this "technological" issue.


I wish everyone the best of luck with unlocking their Sprint phones. DO *NOT* GO NEAR SPRINT EVER AGAIN!!!
Sprint absolutely refuses to unlock my iPhone, they don't come out and say this, they just lie constantly and put you on hold and hang up on you. I filed a complaint with the FCC, still waiting to see if this produces any result. Sprint keeps saying it takes 48 hrs. This is a lie. They may even claim there is a balance due on the account when there isn't. They said we had to take the phone to a Sprint store, which we did, and the employee wrote down a phony MSL code: 000000 and said that would unlock it. iPhones are not unlocked with MSL codes. There is no way of entering a MSL code into the phone even. Do not let them put you on hold, demand escalation, do not accept an "interaction number" as this is phony as well. They have the ability to unlock the phone over the air while you are on the phone with them.They just refuse to do so. After many calls, I got connected randomly, I think, to the International roaming or some such, they said they sent they unlock signal which I had previously been told wasn;t a thing.I was lied to again that the process would take another 24 hours and hung up on again

Now I'm being told that the phone comes back with a 2099 code meaning it cannot be unlocked until 2099, How would they know this if they didn't send the unlock signal to the phone, which I've been told repeatedly that they cannot do. Nothing but lies. First they said it'd take 24 hours to correct, then after escalating to a supervisor was told 4 hours. 5 hours plus later no call back, no unlock. calling again to see how bad I was lied to last time. Did chat with Apple support, who was pretty unhelpful, but seemed to say there was no technical reason the device couldn't be unlocked immediately over the air. Claimed Apple has zero to do with sim locking or unlocking, counter to what someone else claimed in this thread. Here goes with call number 9, I think.Put on hold over 5 minutes so i hung up and called again. Told again it would be 24 hours, it's been 6 days so far. Not giving up, it's personal now! If I've ever seen the need for a class-action lawsuit this is it. I will update if they actually unlock it.

I had gone through this with this shit of a company many times in the past, then somehow they figure out a way to keep me (one of them is not unlocking the phones) since yesterday, I called them more than 10 times, almost every single time I got bumped around from one CSR to another and one department to another...then I was told that they cannot unlock until I pay the bills and early termination fees, I paid that right away while on the phone then he tells me that it is done but will take 24 to 48 hours to take effect, today in 24th hour I called and found that it has been unlocked, tried the phone but wouldn't work, kept trying, called again another CSR tells me to turn it off and wait 10 to 30 min, turn it on...all the BS to get me off of the phone at that time...still no luck. then I read something online which said I may need MSL code, called again to get one, they gave me one, I passed that to tmobile and was told that, that number is no good they cannot do anything with it. Only sprint can unlock the phone. So I called sprint again, after being bumped multiple times and being hung up, called again..then talk to tech support, he tells me that he cannot do anything. My questions is this if anyone of you know, if they have unlocked my phone, but my sprint service is already disconnected and that line activated on tmobile, how does my device know that the phone is now unlocked? doesn't sprint need to pass that information to the device somehow? I also agree, with you they are purposely making it difficult for us, I am in if someone wants to do class action!
I went through the same issues a year ago with two i5 phones.international unlocked worked a year until I was stupid and inserted a sprint sim again and it relocked so don't do that! I also filed a FCC complaint after hours of lies. They said they can't and they won't work anyway. Hmm that's funny they worked with no issues for a year! Hmm they say must have been a glitch, we fixed that.

Hi guys, I am going through exactly same thing for Galaxy, 3rd day today, only thing I haven't done is the laywer/fcc threat but here is my question, when they said they unlocked it and you put the sim card in your iphone and it worked right away, how is that possible? their backend software need to relay the unlock programming message back to your device, are you saying that you guys were still on sprint connected line when asking for the unlock code? in my case, my line is already ported to tmobile and sprint is saying they unlocked my device at their end but my phone is not talking to their network, how does my phone know about the new unlock code, spent hours explaining and pleading to help, but no luck...any ideas?
Couple things here guys. There are two types of carriers; A carriers and B carriers. Sprint and Verizon are A carriers (CDMA). T Mobile and AT&T are B carriers (GSM). Different radio frequencies, different phones. Any A device pre iphone 6 or Galaxy S6 won't work on the B network and vice versa. Since 2015, phones are designed to work on both networks. So threaten to sue or call the FCC, it won't matter. You're device was manufactured to only work on the frequency of the carrier who paid to have it produced. No one's trying to screw you.
I've got 2 Samsung GS5's in great condition that I'm trying to work on T-Mobile. I get that they are on GSM vs CDMA etc. Had to purchase a couple phones to tide the family over until I can either figure this out or just ebay these 2. I Called Sprint and got the magic MSL numbers which are of no use as putting a SIM in the phone produces the following: "Invalid SIM Card"... T-Mo is actually sending me a replacement SIM for free just in case it is a bad SIM card. It was a headache just gettin the MSL's. I've read over and tried to do all the changes to the "Mobile Network" section changing these "MMS APN" codes etc and changed the preferred network option to GSM, but nothing works. I have yet to read of any real success stories. I hope it's just a bad SIM, but all the info I'm reading on the web is pointing me back to being the phones.
As an aside: Never knew how bad life could be for a 13 year old girl without a cell phone. Haha, 🙂

Same issue I'm having kind of. I bought my phone unlocked and went to sprint but when i put the sprint sim in they locked it. Been a month and a half trying to get it unlocked. Might go to corporate store where they have techs and hopefully a district manage and politely raise a ruckus.
I have read through previous comments and decided to try to tackle this as well.
So I just got off the phone with Sprint Customer care. 1888-211-4727. At first I requested unlock for international use, the rep stated that she only does domestic. I then stated that I actually wanted domestic. (I didn't want to be put on another forever hold). Then she proceeded to ask why I was requesting an unlock, and that she will try to unlock but no guarantee. I stated that I don't have to answer that question but that according to the FCC unlock law, that she is able to unlock my phone. Then she stated that she is able to then gave me the speal about it would take 24/48 hours to unlock because she has to submit a ticket to back office. Sounded like something mysterious to me. I requested an earlier unlock and then she stated that she would call back Monday morning to confirm it had been unlocked. She mentioned it could take up to 90 days if a phone had just been paid off. Well I did buy my IPhone 7 through Sprint but because they screwed up my lease agreement and contract, I called them out on it and after 5 months of it, I demanded the supervisor to terminate my lease agreement, as he stated he would if the problem wasn't fixed by February, which it wasn't. So I have a phone and don't want to purchase another one. So anyway, I asked for the Case ID and supervisor name.... she puts me on hold and says: "im not allowed to give you my supervisor name, and there is no case ID number, but I can provide the Interaction and Ticket number "! I said that is a lie because the last issue I had, i was transferred to a supervisor to handle it. She still denied supervisor info. So I got Interaction/ticket number and will wait to see if I get a call Monday. She stated that I should not have to contact Apple for any reason as I should be able to get it unlocked, install new sim card, restart phone and all features should work. I was not convinced that she was being 100% honest with me considering all the issues that I have had with this company. I appreciate the insight of the previous comments on this thread, it gave me some ammo prior to calling. Im thinking about switching to Cricket. Anyone have insight on Cricket service or the process of Switching from Sprint to Cricket with the same phone (IPhone 7). Thx.

Hi, I'm Essie, and I FULLY APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. It is 2017, and after having a HORRIBLE 4 years with Sprint, I have paid off my devices and my Galaxy Note 4, and they "claim" that they can't domestically unlock my phone, but can give me the Master Subsidiary Unlock code to my phone, but claims that it is an unlockable phone, and that it can only be done internationally. They told me to go to the other carrier and see if they can unlock it for me with the code. Now I have a phone that I legally paid for, did my time, and can't use my fully functional phone. I would have to either stay with sprint and get into another contract, or a pré paid situation or purchase a new phone with another company. I TOO HATE SPRINT, they don't give a crap about customers, they are really pretenders that act like you matter, and they are helping you, only to screw you over as they lie to your face as if you were a total idiot that can't really tell the truth from a lie. False promises and traps. Avoid this company with all your heart.

It actually does take up to 48 hours for a phone to be unlocked and that is with any carrier and Apple can not unlock a phone for you so if anyone ever says talk to them it's a lie, also try not to be so harsh with customer service yes you don't have to answer that question but it's also their job to ask that. You'll get more done by being nice and remaining calm, I know it can be a hassle and time consuming but just continue to try and talk to another representative if the current one is annoying you.
I switched to Cricket and purchased a new phone, thinking my iPhone would not work. I happened to be in the Apple Store getting my Mac fixed and asked them about Sprint preventing use on other carriers. The apple rep said he phone should still work on Cricket, a feature or two may be off..but that is it.

Fast forward to me contacting Sprint to unlock my phone. Has been a week and it is still not unlocked. Everytime I call they say it will happen the next day. This is very frustrating. I am actually on hold with Sprint now...again for the 5th time.
Wow the pain people have to go through just to get their phone unlocked. That time could be used more productively like on drinking beer or watching the game or playing the game or you name it other productive ways of wasting time. No joke though, it is frustrating. Why not use one of those unlocking sites like keys2iphone? Though I guess that should be the last resort kind of thing because there are many scams and even the legit ones may cost too much. But just saying.

You don't need an unlock code for an iPhone
Question from Amber_91 : "Unlock galaxy s5"

I have a samsung galaxy s5 I bought off of someone and of course it's with sprint and they say it can't be unlocked then I talked to another person from sprint and they need the person's info that I don't have is there anyway around that, cause I can't get in touch with the person I got it from... Please help
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