Solved! I got my ASUS laptop about March or April of this year.

Dec 13, 2018
I had purchased a new ASUS laptop for about 600 dollars at a Best-Buy, in March of this year. I first started having problems with the laptop randomly shutting off about June; the tech guy said I was always charging it so the battery doesn't work. I thought "Alright" I got the battery replaced and I did not charge it until it was about 30% then one day I took it off the charger it was on because I needed it for a recipe when I unplugged it shut right off, my battery was full. It happened for about two more months before I went and got it fixed. The Geek-squad people said it was fine and such. When I got it back that battery was full, I had used it, and when I was done, I shut it off. The same day I went to turn it on it turned on till I got to my lock screen, then it went "Peew" and shut it off. Now I have to keep it plugged in or it shuts off. My main questions are: Should I sell it and purchase a different brand? Why does it shut off? Are most ASUS's pieces of junk?
I used to work for Geek Squad. I'm not sure if they explained the whole process - so here goes....

Since you are still under warranty with ASUS, you can get it shipped back to ASUS through Geek Squad at no charge. It sounds like there is something else going on, the battery replacement clearly was not the answer. It could be the port, or even the motherboard. There is a lemon policy through Best Buy. If you have a computer repaired for the SAME ISSUE 3 times, you would be eligible for a new one. You've already had one repair via warranty, so this would make the second go-round.

While it is true that keeping a battery plugged in all the time makes it act a bit lazy, it is not ok that they told you it's fine after the battery...
I used to work for Geek Squad. I'm not sure if they explained the whole process - so here goes....

Since you are still under warranty with ASUS, you can get it shipped back to ASUS through Geek Squad at no charge. It sounds like there is something else going on, the battery replacement clearly was not the answer. It could be the port, or even the motherboard. There is a lemon policy through Best Buy. If you have a computer repaired for the SAME ISSUE 3 times, you would be eligible for a new one. You've already had one repair via warranty, so this would make the second go-round.

While it is true that keeping a battery plugged in all the time makes it act a bit lazy, it is not ok that they told you it's fine after the battery replacement. That makes me sad as a former agent. 🙁 The computer immediately shutting off after unplugging the charger is never fine.

I have an ASUS laptop and it works great. I used to recommend the brand to customers. The only thing I ever did is put an SSD in it, but that was only because the clickety-click of the HDD annoyed me. I suppose the bottom line is whether you want to go through the whole process with Geek Squad. It is a pain in the butt, to be sure.

Don't sell it, get it fixed or replaced. Don't waste time on it since the longer you wait, the less warranty time you will have in which to get it fixed or replaced. Even if you keep the system plugged in all the time, the battery should not go bad in a year. Especially with new laptop models that have chips in the battery that talk to the system to control charging. Either go back to BestBuy or contact ASUS support.