PC Remedies :
kepmiesterr :
I had 2 RCA pro 10 inch tablets, same thing happened. What you need to do is hold the power button down for a loooooooooooooooong time until the dang thing will turn on. After you do that you shouldn't have further problems. The first one that did it I had to press the power button down without releasing for about 5 minutes...
Thank you so much! Mine just went out tonight and I was looking up the number to call RCA and found your solution of just holding the power button in for a long time. I had to hold mine in 3 minutes and then it came on. Thank you -- problem solved!
My pleasure, I tried the RCA route first and they were clueless or didn't want to admit this is a widespread problem. I'm glad it helped, it should help anyone with the same problem. I think the cause may be from shipping them at full charge, but not sure.