There is NOTHING, AT ALL, PERIOD, even if I was senseless enough to believe even a portion of what I've read here from you two jokers, that could survive the complete removal of all partitions on the OS drive and reinstallation of Windows, AND, a reflash of your bios firmware.
And I'm absolutely not saying that I believe somebody was capable of maliciously replacing your bios firmware in order to control or compromise your system in the first place because we deal with every kind of possibility AND nutjob on the the entirety of the internet, plus most of us read in depth investigations into the kinds of infections and hardware vulnerabilities that either exist or are possible and I've never encountered ANYTHING that even remotely indicated something like that is an ongoing possibility.
Assuming, for the sake of argument only, that you are the one person in the world that this was ever successfully perpetrated against, there is no possible way for any malicious software to still exist anywhere on your machine if you flash the bios with a known good image from the manufacturers website, completely remove all the existing partitions on the target drive and reinstall windows. None. At ALL.
So that's what I'd recommend and if that fails to end your woes (And it probably wouldn't hurt to do this on every device connected to your network AND take some additional precautions along the lines of using a router with modern protections, good password schemes and either a physical or software firewall enabled) then you either have a split personality that is installing malicious software while in control or you are simply imagining the whole scenario and it's entirely up to your imagination.
ALSO, in the future, do us ALL the favor and courtesy of posting in paragraphs instead of gigantic run on sentences that result in unreadable walls of text. It's rather obnoxious doing that and whether you're using a phone or not to post is no excuse. I send texts and post messages by phone all the time and can take the time to break them up into paragraphs, as do others, so you can do the same if you want people to extend the courtesy of an answer to any future replies or posts.