I Lost My Phone At School, I Need Help Right Now! :(

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Sep 13, 2014
I lost my phone at school. I turned my back to work on a group project, when it was time to leave, it was gone. I keep it in a wallet (no money in it) so I can have it in class because my dad sometimes wants to get a hold of me, and, something bad might happen in my family, who knows.. Anyway, It's a Samsung S4. I got it in July. It's Verizon, my dad works there, I lost it a day ago, I haven't told my parents yet, they will kill me (literally maybe). Somehow the phone is off, it's locked, always have a passcode on it that no one but me will know. I don't know if you can turn it off from the lock screen, someone might have taken out the battery. I tried using Google to locate it but it doesn't work. Anyway, I tried to call myself on my mom's phone, it only says "This person hasn't set up a mailbox yet, blah blah blah.." It doesn't even ring. I need help. Please. I feel like I'm going to throw up because I have a guilty conscious and it's making me so nervous. Also, my dad has my data turned off during school hours, but I keep it off just in case so I don't waste it because I only have 2 GB of data, so it's off, I can't call myself, I've sent a few texts, gotten onto Android Device Manager or whatever to try to track it, make it ring really loud, nothing works.... I can't get a hold of anyone, I was hoping I could, but it won't even ring through. I'm terrified.
Well, chances are you will never get the phone back. So tell your parents and hope that they have insurance on it. A police report will probably need to be filled out...but you really should have done all of this stuff as soon as it happened. And you should have told the school that it happened. tsk tsk tsk
I did tell the school, I told the front office, they didn't see, I told the teacher I was in class with, I asked people who sat by me, and I told another lady. I told my boyfriend, he's helping me look all over for it, I know he wouldn't take things from me, for all I know I could have left it in my previous block. -.- I'm so careless! i hate myself sometimes.
I have tried Google Device Manager, it doesn't work. :'( And, I don't think I'll have another phone for a while if I can't find this one. My dad will be too pissed to care probably, my mom will flip out, but if or when I get another phone I am never turning my back on it, EVER! Gosh I am so stupid.
Sorry you lost your phone.
Can I be honest Lauren, we have a all lost a phone or some device at sometime that means a lot to us.

Miss placed it, or put it down with little care or thought as to the people around us and often a trusting nature someone else would not steal it

But the fact is there are people out there that do, and cease an opportunity to do so.
It`s hardly your fault, Though upsetting.

When the thought of how much it cost and all of your personal Data, contact ect on it. Anybody would be worried having to tell there mum and dad.

That wont change, and in the end if you have tried all you can, then the end result as you know, is having to tell your mum and dad about loosing it, or it being stolen when your back was turned.

At some point you know you have to tell them no matter what, But a phone can always be replaced.

What it teaches us is to be more thought full, and careful.

Your no different from anyone else, your mum has lost things and so has your dad no doubt also at some point in there lives. And never hid the fact that they did or it happened. If you ask them they will say they have lost things and had them stolen ect.

Deep breath get it over and done with, and tell them.

If you leave it too long and try to hide it you will get more stressed and terrified.

But the shouting and upset will only happen once, from mum and dad. They may not even shout at you think about that, but will respect you for telling them straight out than lying to them about where it is if they question you.

You may be terrified to tell your mum and dad but get it over with cos you will feel worse if you leave it to long and stress out more, no one needs that.

What`s done is done even if you were or directly not the sole cause of it, for example if someone took it out of your bag and stole it.

It`s not your fault in any way is it, it just happens sometimes.
A phone can always be replaced.

You are not alone. my wife left the tablet on the roof of a car at the beginning of a long road trip...we had Avast! tracking software on it, but it was likely to smashed up to respond.
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