I lost my samsung Glaxy Note 3. I had very important momories (pictures) of my dad and I stored there. I remember setting up

You lost your phone, and remember setting up what? Guessing maybe setting up a google account? If that is the case, you "may" be able to find them through google. You would need to know your google name and password to log in and see if they were saved there. It isn't automatic but you might get lucky.

If you have the name and password, from a computer, use the following link... https://www.google.com/photos/about/ .. then click on "Go To Google Photos" on the upper right corner of the page. It will bring you to a log in screen. Enter your info and see if they are there.

I hope you can get them back! Good Luck!
You lost your phone, and remember setting up what? Guessing maybe setting up a google account? If that is the case, you "may" be able to find them through google. You would need to know your google name and password to log in and see if they were saved there. It isn't automatic but you might get lucky.

If you have the name and password, from a computer, use the following link... https://www.google.com/photos/about/ .. then click on "Go To Google Photos" on the upper right corner of the page. It will bring you to a log in screen. Enter your info and see if they are there.

I hope you can get them back! Good Luck!