Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)
I've now had my TiVo running for a couple of weeks (since my UTV started
to die; tuner overheat problem) and in day-to-day use I've noticed a few
deficiencies. Maybe some of the more experienced TiVo users around here
could explain how to work around these issues... please?
In the "To Do List"... the UTV equivalent ("Upcoming Recordings") would
display a brief summary of the episode as you move the cursor over the
recording. With TiVo you have to press SELECT to see the same
information, and then exit that page. This makes deciding if you want
to keep a program on the record list a more tedious task with TiVo.
Related to this, UTV has a "bulk unselect" page where you can tickbox
all the items you want to remove and then finally click "do not record".
This short description also appears in the Now Playing ("My Shows")
lists and so on, on the UTV.
In the "Season Pass Manager"... the UTV equivalents (it seperates out
auto-records - wishlist - and normal records - season passes) list the
number of episodes to be recorded on the summary page (eg "Stargate SG1
(4)" would mean 4 episodes are scheduled to be recorded). To get this
on the TiVo you need to select the episode and - for SP only; not for
Wishlist items - it will tell you how many upcoming recordings...
however this is not a count of how many programs are to be recorded!
You have to select even further and look at what episodes have
tick-marks next to them. [ Plus to TiVo; you can record something you'd
previously deselected easier, here ].
Inconsisent UI... in most places right-arrow will select the item...
except in season pass manager where it "grabs" the item... Ugh!!
Horribly annoying.
Fast Forward mode... the UTV seems to be "cleaner" and easier to read -
eg music titles on VH1 Classic, while forwarding at >>> speed. I had to
do the SPS30S to get 30second skip, which I can't live without 🙂 TiVo
has the 15 minute skip mode, which UTV doesn't, but UTV has the 300speed
forward mode (sometimes buggy, though).
A variation of the Daily Show issue... VH1 Classic doesn't properly flag
shows (We Are The 80s, Pop Show etc, and repeat most shows twice a day -
the seem to have a 12 hour schedule) but I can't find a way to tell the
system to record showings between certain times (I can't say "0800-0900"
since the show times change between days, sometimes). UTV only
recorded +/- 2 hours of the theoretical scheduled time, and this seemed
to work a lot better. I'd miss the occaisional showing (no loss, in
this case!) but with TiVo I always get duplicates.
A minor thing, but useful.. the UTV has a blue light on front that
lights up to let you know that new programs have appeared in the My
Shows list since you last looked at it. This means I can just glance at
the box when I get home from work and see if anything new has been
recorded 🙂
Scrolling through the guide and creating a season pass, you end up back
at the beginning of the guide again, and not where you left it.
[ Talking of the guide; in grid mode is it easy to skip forward in
3 hour or 12 hour increments? I know you can do it quickly on the List
Mode view, but in Grid mode I can only skip by 1.5 hour increments ]
The UTV has a nice habit of putting the current output into a small
window (similar to a PIP window) when doing a lot of stuff - eg looking
at the "My Shows" list, scrolling the guide and so on. This is so much
nicer than TiVo full screen displays.
The UTV "Channels I receive" equivalent will use the small-window
function to display the channel you are browsing, alongside a fuller
channel description (eg "260 WE Womens Entertainment" rather than just
"260 WE WE" - although I have noticed TiVo has _some_ description on
some channels!) making it easier to determine if you want to keep a
channel or not.
A potential TiVo bug... I had one tuner doing a recording. The second
tuner was doing a suggestion recording. I'd pressed LiveTV (which
brought up the scheduled recording) and then tried to change channel.
Rather than cancel the suggestion and change channel, it asked me to
cancel the scheduled recording. Ooops. Aborting that, switching tuner,
then change channel worked properly. TiVo should have done this
automatically, cancelling the suggestion rather than asking to interrupt
the scheduled recording.
On the plus side, the 6.2 software on the S2 (Philips DSR708) is a lot
faster than my girlfriends S1 (Phillips) box. I haven't yet seen a
massive slowdown when playing with Season Passes. Good! Not as fast as
UTV, but not too slow as to be annoying 🙂
I do think the TiVo is the best DVR currently on the market at the
moment, but I still prefer my old UTV; RIP.
Stephen Harris
The truth is the truth, and opinion just opinion. But what is what?
My employer pays to ignore my opinions; you get to do it for free.
I've now had my TiVo running for a couple of weeks (since my UTV started
to die; tuner overheat problem) and in day-to-day use I've noticed a few
deficiencies. Maybe some of the more experienced TiVo users around here
could explain how to work around these issues... please?
In the "To Do List"... the UTV equivalent ("Upcoming Recordings") would
display a brief summary of the episode as you move the cursor over the
recording. With TiVo you have to press SELECT to see the same
information, and then exit that page. This makes deciding if you want
to keep a program on the record list a more tedious task with TiVo.
Related to this, UTV has a "bulk unselect" page where you can tickbox
all the items you want to remove and then finally click "do not record".
This short description also appears in the Now Playing ("My Shows")
lists and so on, on the UTV.
In the "Season Pass Manager"... the UTV equivalents (it seperates out
auto-records - wishlist - and normal records - season passes) list the
number of episodes to be recorded on the summary page (eg "Stargate SG1
(4)" would mean 4 episodes are scheduled to be recorded). To get this
on the TiVo you need to select the episode and - for SP only; not for
Wishlist items - it will tell you how many upcoming recordings...
however this is not a count of how many programs are to be recorded!
You have to select even further and look at what episodes have
tick-marks next to them. [ Plus to TiVo; you can record something you'd
previously deselected easier, here ].
Inconsisent UI... in most places right-arrow will select the item...
except in season pass manager where it "grabs" the item... Ugh!!
Horribly annoying.
Fast Forward mode... the UTV seems to be "cleaner" and easier to read -
eg music titles on VH1 Classic, while forwarding at >>> speed. I had to
do the SPS30S to get 30second skip, which I can't live without 🙂 TiVo
has the 15 minute skip mode, which UTV doesn't, but UTV has the 300speed
forward mode (sometimes buggy, though).
A variation of the Daily Show issue... VH1 Classic doesn't properly flag
shows (We Are The 80s, Pop Show etc, and repeat most shows twice a day -
the seem to have a 12 hour schedule) but I can't find a way to tell the
system to record showings between certain times (I can't say "0800-0900"
since the show times change between days, sometimes). UTV only
recorded +/- 2 hours of the theoretical scheduled time, and this seemed
to work a lot better. I'd miss the occaisional showing (no loss, in
this case!) but with TiVo I always get duplicates.
A minor thing, but useful.. the UTV has a blue light on front that
lights up to let you know that new programs have appeared in the My
Shows list since you last looked at it. This means I can just glance at
the box when I get home from work and see if anything new has been
recorded 🙂
Scrolling through the guide and creating a season pass, you end up back
at the beginning of the guide again, and not where you left it.
[ Talking of the guide; in grid mode is it easy to skip forward in
3 hour or 12 hour increments? I know you can do it quickly on the List
Mode view, but in Grid mode I can only skip by 1.5 hour increments ]
The UTV has a nice habit of putting the current output into a small
window (similar to a PIP window) when doing a lot of stuff - eg looking
at the "My Shows" list, scrolling the guide and so on. This is so much
nicer than TiVo full screen displays.
The UTV "Channels I receive" equivalent will use the small-window
function to display the channel you are browsing, alongside a fuller
channel description (eg "260 WE Womens Entertainment" rather than just
"260 WE WE" - although I have noticed TiVo has _some_ description on
some channels!) making it easier to determine if you want to keep a
channel or not.
A potential TiVo bug... I had one tuner doing a recording. The second
tuner was doing a suggestion recording. I'd pressed LiveTV (which
brought up the scheduled recording) and then tried to change channel.
Rather than cancel the suggestion and change channel, it asked me to
cancel the scheduled recording. Ooops. Aborting that, switching tuner,
then change channel worked properly. TiVo should have done this
automatically, cancelling the suggestion rather than asking to interrupt
the scheduled recording.
On the plus side, the 6.2 software on the S2 (Philips DSR708) is a lot
faster than my girlfriends S1 (Phillips) box. I haven't yet seen a
massive slowdown when playing with Season Passes. Good! Not as fast as
UTV, but not too slow as to be annoying 🙂
I do think the TiVo is the best DVR currently on the market at the
moment, but I still prefer my old UTV; RIP.
Stephen Harris
The truth is the truth, and opinion just opinion. But what is what?
My employer pays to ignore my opinions; you get to do it for free.