I purchased a Samsung r480 without an operating system, please help!


Apr 7, 2016
I recently won an auction on ebay for a Samsung R480 Laptop( i3 m330@2.13GHz, 640GB HD, 4GB RAM). WITHOUT AN OPERATING SYSTEM.
I'm not computer savvy, in the least. And didn't notice that the field for OS stating "yes" , was actually saying "without OS" yes.
It was probably a trick of words on the buyers part, but I'm not fighting it ,and will pay it.
My questions are-How do I go about getting an OS for it? How difficult it will be to get it on the new laptop? And is it going to be very costly? I'm really hoping it wont turn out to be an expensive paper weight :)
Also, I paid $117.00 for it, which I thought I was getting an extremely good deal. Is that a bad price if it is missing the OS?
Any help would be very appreciated!
Thanks, Kent
None OS laptops and PC are preferred from a lot sellers and buyers because the price is low then whit included Windows( most Linux are free and Mac OS wont run on every laptop/PC). If you ask me I never buy laptop or PC whit install/included OS on it the price is high. Installing OS require some skills not that many if you install Windows should be easy even for "normal" user specially on brand new laptop the only step you may need to change something then default setup is to set up you HDD drive, it is a good practices to set your OS partition during installation process in your case you have 640 GB if i am correct just set 100GB (or more depend of you needs) example "C:\" and the rest for partition "D:\" that way you will have one...
Thank you so much! I will try it as soon as I get the laptop and let you know how it goes.
Just to be clear...I can put a usb into another laptop I have, download the bootable version onto it and then inset the usb into the new laptop, and follow the install instructions?
None OS laptops and PC are preferred from a lot sellers and buyers because the price is low then whit included Windows( most Linux are free and Mac OS wont run on every laptop/PC). If you ask me I never buy laptop or PC whit install/included OS on it the price is high. Installing OS require some skills not that many if you install Windows should be easy even for "normal" user specially on brand new laptop the only step you may need to change something then default setup is to set up you HDD drive, it is a good practices to set your OS partition during installation process in your case you have 640 GB if i am correct just set 100GB (or more depend of you needs) example "C:\" and the rest for partition "D:\" that way you will have one partition for your OS and one for data. All other thinks could be change after installation of Windows. If you install Linux whit GUI the installation process is almost the same as the Windows one. Get the OS you want to install and proceed whit installation just make sure then you insert the media/USB flash to boot from it to start the installation. Let us know if you hit the "wall" at some point.

P.S. That laptop is not high end and I don`t recommend you to install Windows 10.

Thanks for the info. I don't know if I want to go to Win 10 yet. I've heard some negatives about it. How difficult is Linux? I've heard good things about it but never used it before? How would I get the Linux OS and install?
If you never use Linux this is friendly one here is link for download : http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/features
this is the other : https://www.debian.org/distrib/
If you dont like it you could always search for some one who is selling key for example Windows 7 xxxx version, just to know Win7 dead line is 2020.

P.S. If you are using this laptop for gaming check 1st if you games have Linux support, if not you will need Windows.