I want to back up android 5.1.1 before factory reset. I only need a few files and hopefully contacts. Rest already gone. Have

Well, you can connect the device to a computer via USB cord and save any files (music, photos, videos, contacts, etc.) to the computer before you do the reset. Or you have the option of mailing all the data to yourself. That, however, could be very time consuming as mail has attachment size limitation. I would use the USB cord option and just save all the stuff to an empty folder on the computer. Once the device is good again you can then connect back to the computer and get your data back on the phone. I would leave a copy on the computer though. Just to be safe.
Question from Brenda_68 : "Need 2 backup before reset"

Well if you don't have a computer, the only other options I can think of is to ... option 1. get a cloud or similar account somewhere online and upload all the things you want to save to said account. Make sure you do an export and upload of the contacts as well. Or option 2. Turn off any email access on the phone, then email all the info/files to yourself. Once you have reset the device you can then access said email and redownload everything. I have to say though, option two may take a bit longer to do than option 1.

Your best bet, should you be able to, would be to connect to a computer via USB, move all the files to an empty folder on the computer and then do the reset. You can then do the same in reverse to get it all back. That is the fastest way. If you can gain access to a computer that is.
Question from Brenda_68 : "Best way (easiest?) to backup before factory reset? SD CARD? Special apps? Other options? Any guidelines to walk one through"



Go to playstore and download Degoo app. It's a free cloud storage app and you get 100GB free. Once you have that setup, go to your apps rack and open backup and restore. Backup everything on your phone to your Degoo acct. Do a factory reset of the phone then do the updates and add your SD card back in(format for internal), and you're all set. Let me know if you need anything else.