i have a laptop eqiuped with this cpu. and i know the skylakes can power usb-c's but this laptop does not have it.. can u buy a adapter or something. then use the razer external gpu looking thing? cause that would be so awesome. i cannot wait to try that out is i can? i would love to use this ultra thin book to play some mad games when im at home and and do some productive stuff at the library when i need to go download some cheatcodes. do you guys have any nice cheat code websites to refer me to? this cpu is so good i cant wait to use it for gaming if i can? the i5 6200U its so fast. some of the games im wanting to play are small games. but id like to play overwatch. the drivers said intel hd 520.. but id like the option to play some other titles too if i can. ua know? some of those titles might be... stardew valley. crysis overwatch gtav minecraft.?