I9000 captured video file not recognised


May 7, 2011
Hi everyone.
Captured a lengthy video on my new I9000 8GB with an external 32GB chip, but when wanting to view, the screen shows a square film roll with a lightning strike through it and a captation: file not recognised,
in spite on having been produced by the same camera. Why ?? :bounce:

Have done what you suggested, Samsung Australia has a special website, but alas, an answer has not been forthcoming so far, the old story applies: quick to sell, slow to respond to questions after the sale.
Will keep you informed when I get an answer
Well, one lone answer is better than none, but in the meantime the SDHC 32GB card has "***" itself within the Galaxy, after taking a short video. Must be the SD micro that gives all the problems, I will get another one, probably only a 16GB this time, looking at the price! :bounce: