IBUYPOWER, tone it down for me


Jul 19, 2012
Hello, im currently looking for a gaming setup on the go, after looking around ive found im way behind the times =( and dont really follow the whats and nots and do's and dont's. im looking at the GTX675m 4GB and the 660M 1.5GB i also have the 670M 1.5GB vailable in my selection. im so confused as to what is what vs what. and ive really tried educating myself but everytime i think ive figured something out, i read something else that counters what i thought in the first place. id love to just have a chart that gives performance of each gfx card

now i can customize everything i need to and im not much worried, but i want to get the graphics card right. but its got me so confused, id like to play the highest grade settings on games such as guild wars 2 and Diablo 3. my questions would things like this.

2. what is this copper something or other that u can include for cooling purposes, is that more a hass than worth? or should this be taken seriously.

Here is a link to an article comparing 660m and 675m. Its worth the read from start to end if you really want to learn about the mobile chips.

edit: Here is the link...

so if i had the pick between 670 675 and 660. the 675 would be the pick of the day correct? in theory? with a res of Full HD 1920x1080.

and a second questions would be this, in your personal opinions how would something like this run with netflix(silverlight) running on a second 32in screen?
also, ive considered going with something other than nvidia, but i cant find any resellers nor retailers that offer any laptops for nearly the same price.

Thanks for your replys guys
im in about the 1400$ range, looking at the ibuypower cz-17 with a nvidia 675m, any word on how that fairs with the wvw on gw2? also ive been looking around about ibuypower and get a ton of bad reviews, but then again i know theres alwasy goona be more good than bad, and ive heard they are better rated than bigger companies like HP, any insight on these things?

1. It will be excellent for the GW2, but you can currently get a faster laptop than this.

2. You can overview your options here:

3. Specifically, two options:
a. Grab the MSI GT70-0ND that now sells for 1280$ - the CZ-17 is based on the same MSI GT70 barebone.
It has 12GB 1600MHZ DDR3, FullHD screen, I7 + GTX 675M, Win7 and shipping included:

b. You don't need another copy of Windows because you have one and you care less of backlit keyboard than price and heat. Take the Sager NP9130 with new GTX 670MX which should be at least as fast as the old GTX 675M and consume less energy:

Thank you junky, your a huge help, ive reviewed these two, now 2GB vs 4GB 675m? what is the difference? is it extreme enough i should take it into major consideration? im sorry but im not familiar with what these things mean, and i am looking for omwhat of a slick look but it doesnt have to be perfect, the sagers just look so....well yeah they are down right ugly

Edit: i mean you could beef out the underhood of a 1999 station wagon, but why?
Oh, and what are my chances of sedning these back for repairs a week after recieving? ive read up on some horror storys. i notice ibuypower has a 1year warranty? is that due to not wanting to stand by their laptops? is there any garentees? not only is the computer good but is the COMPANY good, im good with my own support using forums and such but id rather avoid a situation where i spend this ammount of money and they just slap me in the face at the very whim of a problem
the 675M is a decent card for a laptop, it should perform about on par bewteen the desktop 560 and 560 Ti. I have the GTX 580M in my alienware and it does great at 1080, and the 675M is a re-badged 580M with a little more clock speed. its a stop gap hold over Fermi core before the 680M showed up with the keplar core

Toms has a couple reviews showing the performance, I think someone linked one above. I pull 45 FPS in Crysis 2 on High settings at 1900x1200 but I turn the particles to LOW as particles has a HUGE affect on my frame rates
