Hello, if anyone could help me you would be a life saver. So yesterday I was downloading a program and windows defender detected malware and I foolishly allowed the download to continue.. Now I have a virus by the name of svcvmx.exe and it puts heavy loads on my CPU. My PC goes crazy and really slow. Ive detected the program files in my hard drive and deleted everything that happen on that day by going onto safe mode because thats the only time the virus doesnt work. But it just some how re creates itself after deleted. I tried fully reseting my harddrive, runs into an issue. Tried formating harddrive to a different point in time, runs into an issue. Ive run over 5 different virus remover tools and none of them detect it. The virus doesnt let me download things off the internet and doesnt let me open some apps. Please. .. Help... Me..