I have a samsung model un48j5201af and am not electronically savvy to say the least would appreciate any help with add on plugin speakers to increase volume just don't know what to look for much thanks
Before you jump to the store to get that soundbar on sale, make sure it is compatible with your TV.
According to the manual, page 10, yout TV has both optical and analog Audio Out. Check your TV' connections panel to make sure.
MERGED QUESTION Question from ticosnuts2 : "Improve sound volume"
I have a samsung model un48j5201af and am not electronically savvy to say the least would appreciate any help with add on plugin speakers to increase volume just don't know what to look for much thanks
Before you jump to the store to get that soundbar on sale, make sure it is compatible with your TV.
According to the manual, page 10, yout TV has both optical and analog Audio Out. Check your TV' connections panel to make sure.
On top of that, Soundbars tend to solve one narrow problem and that's it. In the near future, now you want to hook up a BR player, a game console, even a simple cable set-top box and get frustrated why the brand new Soundbar doesn't do its bidding... if u have that kind of need in the near future, keep asking questions and/or Google.