In over my head - CAD


Sep 27, 2012
Heya Tom's.

So for my Shakespeare class, we have projects to do. Not having had that teacher before, I wasn't aware what level of effort was required for said projects - turns out it's fairly low, but it's too late for that. The project that I cam up with was a model of Elizabethian London, highlighting the various theaters, accompanied with a talk on how the theaters' locations affected their audience, which in turn defined the theater.

I was originally going to do this with papercraft, but that turned out to be WAY harder than I expected. Time is crunching now, so I figure I'll do a 2D map with the theaters coming up out of it. My question for you guys is:

What's the easiest CAD software to learn? I'm fairly tech-oriented, but I haven't the time right now to learn something powerful like Blender. The results don't have to be spectacular, they just need to be easy to create. Is there something, perhaps engineering or architecture oriented, that would help me out with this?