Infection Issues

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May 9, 2010
Hello- I have just read and applied the suggestions in the article "Simple and Free Guide To Removing Malware" and was advised by the host of the download for 'Combofix' to have an experienced person interpret the log file of the scan. Per the recommendation from this source, I went to '' to post the scan log and was immediately told that they do not allow this posting(?)
I have been plagued by trojans and hijackers lately and do not have a clue as to where they are coming from. One trojan in particular, a Microplugin is very persistent and STOPzilla is constantly finding this. I also have warnings regularly in eventvwr. Is there someone here who could please take a look at the Combofix and the Trend Micro Hijack This logs and advise me what to do? First, I would like to say that wiping the drive and re-installing the OS and my programs is virtually out of the question. I have far too many programs and far too little time to deal with that affair. The only apparent observable condition with the pc is an inability to get the 'autoplay' functioning the way it used to. I certainly would appreciate any expert advice on the above mentioned matter(s)
Thank you kindly in advance for the help!
TimW :(
The download ISO image is ready for you to burn directly to a CD (or USB flashdrive). No conversion needed.
False positives can creep in when AV definition & database files are changed.


May 9, 2010
Thanks for the advice, WR2. Yes, she'll start in safe mode. I am getting the feeling that these infections STOPzilla is finding are quite possibly false/positives. I had that feeling awhile back and 'aford10' also suggested this. Still, none the less, I do not understand why all of a sudden even false/positives would be appearing. I'll check the prep guide you suggested. Is the AVG download ready to go or does it need a file converter before I burn it? Again, thanks for your interest and help with my problem.
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