I've had this laptop for about a year and a half, and it's been working in pristine condition up until about a month or so ago. I suddenly kept getting the error message above when booting, and for a couple days would go between recognizing the battery, sometimes charging, then eventually not recognizing a battery plugged in at all. I ordered a new one.
New one's been working for about 3 weeks just fine, but now it's starting to show the same symptoms. It's started to turn off at random before I took the battery out and put it back in. Right now it's giving me the error message again, but as I'm writing this, can still be used off the charger. It just won't charge (63% available, plugged in, not charging)
I just now reinstalled the BIOS and then back to 1.2.7 or whatever is current, it didn't change anything.
I'd really like some guidance on what to do at this point, I really don't want to waste $80 on another battery.
Edit: To further complicate matters, I tried my old battery again and it's suddenly doing the same thing, can boot without the AC now but still acts like it's unrecognized and on critical power.
New one's been working for about 3 weeks just fine, but now it's starting to show the same symptoms. It's started to turn off at random before I took the battery out and put it back in. Right now it's giving me the error message again, but as I'm writing this, can still be used off the charger. It just won't charge (63% available, plugged in, not charging)
I just now reinstalled the BIOS and then back to 1.2.7 or whatever is current, it didn't change anything.
I'd really like some guidance on what to do at this point, I really don't want to waste $80 on another battery.
Edit: To further complicate matters, I tried my old battery again and it's suddenly doing the same thing, can boot without the AC now but still acts like it's unrecognized and on critical power.