Ip hiding apps

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Feb 21, 2010
how much illegal is it to use IP hiding application for browsing the internet and viewing web content like music or videos from a different country?

what about streaming media like leading live music player websites and streaming TV sitcoms websites.?

given the fact that my country is blocked by that content owner
It is not illegal to use a proxy server to make your IP seem like its from an accepted country. A lot of people from the UK who move to the US do it because they like to listen to radio shows but are blocked for some reason by the UK servers.

In fact my fiance uses a IP changer in order to access some foreign websites that are blocked to US based IPs.

Of course it is pretty slow sometimes but it works.

ok , can you show me any internet link where this aspect/explanation may be also be stated as a law or as a generally accepted practice, any sort of wiki link or any other government website from any country ?

so can you suggest some good IP hiding software available from maybe $25 to $60 ?
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