" ipad is disabled"


Aug 27, 2015
My dad accidently enter the wrong codes over and over again . He asked me to fix it . I really tried to fixed , but i cant seem to find a solution . he disabled his ipad and want to me to save the pictures and video that is in the ipad . he didnt make any backup ~ . any solution ?

I now how to restore the ipad as new agian , but that will just delete everything in his ipad .


Ok man ! Thanks for replying ! wanted to be sure before restoring . will wait for some
Bring it to an Apple store and let them do the work. They possibly have the tools they need to backup the videos and pictures on there, they could even probably take out the passcode. Make sure that the device doesn't have a modded firmware, aka jailbreak on it, they will not accept the device, kind of literally voids the warranty.
Or just look for tutorials on youtube to remove passcodes or bypass them.
I did see a tutorial where a guy used siri to access the device, make sure that device has siri for more luck