Question Is carrier unlocked phone the same as manufacturer phone?

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Aug 30, 2017
Hi all

I'm planning to buy a new unlocked samsung smartphone from my carrier (Orange) since i'm planning to use my bonus points to get a good discount. But a friend of mine told me that the phones sold by carrier have a lower quality compared to the ones sold by manufacturer. As an example: a S9+ sold directly from samsung will have better "quality" than an S9+ sold by Orange. As if there is 1st grade and 2nd grade difference in quality even for the same unlocked model. He also said that the phones sold by Orange are specially made for them by the manufacturer and thus they have lower "quality".

Is there any truth to this? i really suspect samsung will sell the same phone model in the same region with different "quality" but i want to make sure. The phone i'm planning to buy is unlocked but sold by Orange.

Kind regards.
I don't know that the 'quality' would be lower, but it is possible that certain features may not exist or be lower on different versions of the same device.

However, they would have to tell you if there are any differences. So just compare the specs that they tell you to the specs the manufacturer lists for the device. If any of the specs are different, then you know what you have to choose from.

Now, it is quite likely that they can have software differences. That is extremely common. Different preinstalled apps, different app removal restrictions. I have seen some carriers/service providers have overlays added to work over the initial software, or even install (and not allow removal of) apps that you may not want or have bad reps. So just be sure to ask questions and compare.
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Thanks a lot for the answer

In terms of software I'm pretty sure it came with all features directly from Samsung.
But I'm afraid about the hardware, I fear the "quality" of the materials (not the specs) used to build the phone sold by carrier aren't identical to the ones sold directly by Samsung thus less durable. I plan to keep the phone for at least 3 years so I'm a bit worried. Anyway I might ask in the French section since Orange is well known there.

Kind regards
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