Is now a good time?


Sep 16, 2006
Just curious if now or the next couple of months is a good time to buy a light gaming laptop.

My main concern is that Pascal or Polaris equipped laptops might be just around the corner. Then I'd end up disappointed if I had just bought something with a GTX 960.

I'm looking at the ASUS GL552VX.
If you have a need now, buy now.
The Polaris and pascal graphics chips will likely command premium prices.
If your needs are truly more casual, then today's offerings should do.
I would look first for a great screen and a ssd.
I think the Lenovo Y700 units have the 960 graphics, good screens, and sometimes a ssd.
Sales abound if you will look for them.
Yeah I would wait. The new lines of GPU's just hitting the market are considerably faster than their predecessors, and at the same or lower cost. Laptops will begin incorporating mobile 10-series GPU's next month and by the end of the year I would expect there will be a whole lineup to choose from.
If you have a need now, buy now.
The Polaris and pascal graphics chips will likely command premium prices.
If your needs are truly more casual, then today's offerings should do.
I would look first for a great screen and a ssd.
I think the Lenovo Y700 units have the 960 graphics, good screens, and sometimes a ssd.
Sales abound if you will look for them.