Is ReplayTV going under?



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All I ever hear is TIVO TIVO TIVO.

On TV shows, talk shows, news channels..... Just this week there was a big
news story saying that TIVO users can share shows with each other over the
internet... haven't we been able to do this for years?

So I am very worried that Replay is going the way of Betamax.

Let's assume this is true (please no arguments).... anyone have any guesses
as to what will happen to our lifetime subscriptions? Is it possible we
will be rolled in to TIVO? Just change the Replay logos on our interface---
seems simple enough.

Or are we stuck with paperweights?
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These things are certainly "Betamaxes" but my Beta machine is still working
fine, thank you.
This was always destined to be a cable company driven device. The only question
is whether they will still service our standard. I think there are enough
hackers in this community so we will have a way to survive. The future is net
connected devices. Those who still use a phone line may very well end up with a
manual recorder if they can't bridge to the net through a PC. I think a million
RTV users is still enough to attract a service but they may not want to give
you a local phone number. Eventually most of us will buy the "next" thing but I
still trust there will be enough of us to keep a little niche market. The net
connection is the savior.
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Verizon User wrote:
> All I ever hear is TIVO TIVO TIVO.
> On TV shows, talk shows, news channels..... Just this week there was a big
> news story saying that TIVO users can share shows with each other over the
> internet... haven't we been able to do this for years?
> So I am very worried that Replay is going the way of Betamax.
> Let's assume this is true (please no arguments).... anyone have any guesses
> as to what will happen to our lifetime subscriptions? Is it possible we
> will be rolled in to TIVO? Just change the Replay logos on our interface---
> seems simple enough.
> Or are we stuck with paperweights?
This same silly question comes up every day. With a minimum of
investigation, you would have found out that Tivo has one foot in the
grave and one on a banana peel. Their losses are horrendous. They are
being sued because of their new "feature", and DirecTV is not renewing
the contract with them which is the majority of Tivo users. DNNA is a
very strong company. Replay is in the black and the next generation for
them is known. While there may not be a separate Replay box, the Denon
media servers and clients will use Replay tech and guide data.
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In article <>, Tony D
<> wrote:

> Verizon User wrote:
> > All I ever hear is TIVO TIVO TIVO.
> >
> > On TV shows, talk shows, news channels..... Just this week there was a big
> > news story saying that TIVO users can share shows with each other over the
> > internet... haven't we been able to do this for years?
> >
> > So I am very worried that Replay is going the way of Betamax.
> >
> > Let's assume this is true (please no arguments).... anyone have any guesses
> > as to what will happen to our lifetime subscriptions? Is it possible we
> > will be rolled in to TIVO? Just change the Replay logos on our interface---
> > seems simple enough.
> >
> > Or are we stuck with paperweights?
> >
> >
> This same silly question comes up every day. With a minimum of
> investigation, you would have found out that Tivo has one foot in the
> grave and one on a banana peel. Their losses are horrendous. They are
> being sued because of their new "feature",

There is no lawsuit. You made this up.

> and DirecTV is not renewing the contract with them which is the
> majority of Tivo users.

No one knows for sure. Certainly not you.

> DNNA is a very strong company. Replay is in the black and the next
> generation for them is known. While there may not be a separate
> Replay box, the Denon media servers and clients will use Replay tech
> and guide data.

Replay stock is being liquidated. Inventory will be gone by fall.

- Bundled pricing model not accepted
- Went back to unbundled model, sub fees cover H/W loss.
- Standalone DVR market will be taken over by cable/satellite DVRs
- Looking for other partners
- Sell out 4xxx and 5xxx inventories by 3Q04
- Shift to premium branded product (ie Denon NSS100)
- Continue to provide EPG service
- Pursue S/W licensing opportunities
- Reduced overhead by combining with Escient
- Wrote off value of existing inventory

from 5-20-04 presentation at:
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Tom <> shaped the electrons to say:
>> grave and one on a banana peel. Their losses are horrendous. They are
>> being sued because of their new "feature",
>There is no lawsuit. You made this up.

He does that. 🙂

Yeah - the MPAA and NFL had petitioned the FCC not to approve TiVo To
Go - but the FCC disagreed and gave TiVo the green light to release
the feature. There is a big difference between asking the FCC not to
grant approval and a lawsuit.

They'd have trouble with a suit now, since the FCC has officially
stated it complies with the broadcast flag and DMCA.

>> and DirecTV is not renewing the contract with them which is the
>> majority of Tivo users.
>No one knows for sure. Certainly not you.


I suspect they may not, but TiVo has already been shifting their focus
away from DTV to protect themselves in that event. They've boosted
standalone subscriptions and increased licensing with Pioneer,
Toshiba, and Humax - and will probably have more to come.

Even if DTV doesn't renew the current contract runs to 2007.

>> DNNA is a very strong company. Replay is in the black and the next
>> generation for them is known. While there may not be a separate
>> Replay box, the Denon media servers and clients will use Replay tech
>> and guide data.

And they cost several grand. Not really a viable option for someone
who just wants a DVR and doesn't want to pay for the do-it-all server.

BTW, at CES they said the NS-S100 was going to be out in June for
$3000-$5000, did it street yet?

-MZ, RHCE #806199299900541, ex-CISSP #3762
<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me.
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-755-4098
<URL:> <URL:> Eris