is there a headphones with inbuilt storage for music?


Oct 18, 2016
i don't really a new headset or anything i was just listening to music on my headphones and i thought that a small hard drive or somthing like that would be a cool idea for a headset and maybe it could just auto play music from it. i did a quick google search to see if any headsets like that exist and i didn't see any. so just out of curiosity is there any headset like that? (like i said i don't need new headphones i'm just curious so if you can't think of one off of the top of your head it's fine)

Update: i only just noticed my grammar mistake i made in the title oops. so i can't change it just so the grammer nazis don't come to hunt me down

I guess so, but i still think that headphones with storage would still be a cool idea because you might also be able to use it a bit like a usb and your phone might run out of battery. i'm sure it could easily be done (you can fit a fairly large amount of space on a phone) and most wireless headphones use a usb port to charge so it could just use that to transfer the data as well.
this google search turned up a few hits from amazon right up top and articles for others

never owned one but have seen them in ads and possibly a review or 2 if i recall right. skullcandy is the only brand i recognize from any of the listings i quickly scanned. they are sold in most places like walmart, target and best buy