is there a tool to find the dependencies/ working environment of a program


Feb 21, 2015
hey there,
i have a tailor made piece of software made by office 2002 (XP) access, now that we have evolved, i'm moving people to newer computers that have windows 7 and office 2007 (pretty old for me but i'm playing nice ... for now)... the program (access application) works on one of those computers (win7x64,office2002) that i use everyday and eventually installed lots of stuff and uninstalled others but the application is working on my computer ... when i try to start the program on another new computer ... the software doesn't work .... i tried looking in the services but find not much of differences ... my question is ... is there any tool to find me what are the programs that the software depends on (windows updates/flash/dll files/programs)

thanks in advance
Some Access databases don't work on newer versions of Access. Try installing the older version and test it then.

There is process explorer but that won't really tell you what this program needs to run. Only the person that setup the program would know that of you can go by error messages or maybe the event log in Windows will show you something.


Feb 21, 2015

Thanks hang for the answer but, yes i tried to install the same version of office and it didn't work on its own, installing activeX made it work. i meet programs like this from time to time so i prefer a general solution for this kind of problems